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my start of a storyline

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0 comments, last by yusuke200013 21 years, 1 month ago
Cyber Detective Case 1 By: Eric Tomassetti Gameplay Adventure RPG Done from a 3rd person view (like Zelda OOT but in Futuristic Times). Radar and Map in top right corner. Current destinations are marked on the map. Health and Skill points listed in top left corner. Weapon Switch done by number on keyboard. You may only carry one type of weapon at a time. City Description A very dark bleek highly vandalized world. Exposed wires everywhere. Alot of homeless people, gangs, and just normal street thugs. Outside of the main city are the suburbs, which are a lot better maintained, and don''t have the common street trash found in the city. then outside that is the plains and mountains and wide open spaces. Not much but a nice scenic place, with a few people who hate technology and a lot of wild life. In this city and around it expect fights like crazy and be ready for anything. Weapons (Seperated by Class) 1.Fist, Spiked Knuckles 2.Dagger, Sword, Katana 3.Pistol, Double Pistol''s, Revolver 4.Single Barrel Shotgun, Double Barrel Shotgun 5.Sniper Rifle (Has Long-range scope) 6.Crossbow, Poison Crossbow 7.Grenade Launcher, Rocket Launcher 8.Sub Machine Gun, Double Sub Machine Gun''s 9.Light Laser, Heavy Laser Armor Weak Body Armor (Standard Armor) Bullet Proof Armor (Standard Armor that cuts Bullet Dammage in Half) Flame Retardent Armor (Standard Armor that Cuts Fire Damage in Half) Shock Absorbent Armor (Standard Armor that Cuts Shock Damage in Half) Heated Armor (Standard Armor that Cuts Freeze Damage in Half) Armor Special (All Armors Listed Above Combined) Items Potion (Recovers 100 Health) Youth Potion (Increases Stamina by 5 Points) Potion of Strength (Increases Strength by 2 Points) Eye Drops (Increases Accuracy by 10 Points) Skill Potion (Recovers 50 Skill Points) Storyline Prelude The player plays as Vernon Maxwell, a Cyber Detective in Technica, a very advanced world but is filled with crime and corupption. At the beggining of Case 1, A killer is on the loose, but not your ordinary run of the muck killer, this one likes to go after Heads of Crime Syndacates and Cyber Detectives. You (Vernon Maxwell) and 5 other Cyber Detectives are called into the Police Cheif''s office. In his office you are informed of the killers actions over the last few days, including who he kills, what times he kills, and what areas are his common kills in. after Hearing of the killer going after Cyber Detectives, Vernon gets a little worried but not to worried, seeing as if he got to worried he could not be known as the badass he is. Then quickly a young Police Officer rushes into the Police Chief''s Office. He informs the 7 in the office that 2 more murders have happened.1 victim was a Reni Yao, some Syndacate head, the other was a young undercover Police Officer trying to get Reni Yao. Vernon like the his anxious self, quickly asked where the murders had taken place. As soon as the young Officer answered, Vernon was on his way. Chapter 1: An Unknown Killer and the Mysterious Woman On his way down to the street, Vernon takes a pitstop in the armory. There you pick up a Pistol and some Basic Armor. Then you exit the armory and then the police station. As you make your way through the night to the seen of the crime, you fight off some common street thugs and some stray dogs. Eventually you make your way to a restraunt, The Golden Pot, where there are about 13 Police Officers and lots of bystanders. You show your badge to get into the crime seen where a parmedic meets you and tells you about the wounds that the 2 victims have recived. Gunshot wounds, to the back of the head, looked to be done from a distance. Then the Paramedic Leaves and goes to help a few others get the bodys into the back of an Ambulance. In the corner there are 3 people who where eating in the restraunt, 4 cooks, the waitress, and some people who where outside. There a few Police Officers where questioning them, but to no success, no one saw anything, not a man or woman, not anything. as the witness''s walk away, Vernon see''s one woman looking at him in a weird way, just out of the corner of her eye. He decides to follow her. Back on the street you have to follow this mysterious woman but on the way he still has his normal trouble with street thugs and stray animals. After making his way through the enemys, he ends his long walk at an apartment building. Vernon makes his way through mad tenants, who seem to hate the law, they pull shotguns on him so he he has no choice but to plow through. At the top he notices that the woman is missing, maybe he had missed her room. No, he then see''s a roof access door, wide open. You procede up the roof to find the woman waiting. She the say''s " I knew you were following me. But why?" Then Vernon says " I had a weird feeling, that you were the killer". She replies " No i''m just inncoent lil'' Bystander.". Vernon says "Why''d you give me that look then?" At first there was no response, then she pulls out a pistol and say''s "Because I hate the law." Here You and the Woman battle till you get a few shots in on her. She falls to her knees, and screams, a very high pitched scream, an un human scream. You look at her back and see exposed wires. Then You walk over and kick her off the roof and say "Worthless peice of shit robot, waste of my goddamn time." Your cellphone then rings. It was the police chief, telling you to get your ass down to the hospital, they have somthing very important. He hangs up without telling you what they have. So you hurry to the Hospital, this time facing stronger thugs. So you arrive at the hospital and are immediatly rushed to the head coroner. he states that it is two differnet bullets in the victims, meaning that the killer must of had 2 weapons, or there was 2 killers and one huge coincedence. Vernon kind of ignores the 2nd scenario but does not count it out. He grabs the bullet samples and heads off to the Police Station Evidence Lab. It''s a long walk to the Police Office, lots of battles but you make it eventually. You enter the Police Station and go straight to Evidence. They take the bullets and store them. Then you inform the Police Chief of the Current Situation. After he understands everything, he tells you to go home and get some sleep. So you start heading home. On the way you get a cellphone call, The killer struck again, near the scene of the last crime. So you head in that direction. After killing some street thugs and little demons you arrive, but you see nothing, where was everyone. The robot woman steps out of a dark abandoned building with a shotgun, and say''s "Gullable idiot". You fight with the Robot woman till she dies, this time you tear her to peices so she dosen''t come back and you head back home. Again you recive a phone call, but you ignore it and go to your apartment and fall asleep. Chapter 2: The Robot Army You wake up to here the phone ringing. You answer it but nobodys there. The call tracer said it was the Police Chiefs office phone. You head down to the police station. In the daylight there aren''t too many thugs. Easy enough to make it quickly to the police station. When you arrive you see it in shambles. You rush in the ruins to find many of your collegues dead and a few barely living. You run up to a farely well looking officer and ask him what the hell happened. He responds "So many, there were so may of these robots, buetiful, enticing robots, but all they did was destroy." You thought to yourself could theybe the same as the one that attacked you. Wait then you thought, many, was the one that attacked you the same one, or two different robots. Then a few of those robots that looked like the ones that attacked you earlier but weaker came rushing in and attacked. You take care of them fast. They all have different Weapons. Could it be that these our the Killer. But who is the controller. Who Created these robots to com and just kill. It was time to go upstairs and question a few people, if they were still living. On your way up you kill more of them robots that were still living until you make it to the top level, were the head officers and detectives are supposed to be. They weren''t there, only one half dead secretary. You ask her if she knows if you can still talk to one of the heads. She says Vincent Trilo never showed up and that you may want to check his house. So you head back down through more robots to the street, where to your luck you find more robot''s all over the street. You make your way through the army of robots to the suburbs and finally to Vincent''s House. His house is huge, which is to be expected of someone who makes that much money. But it was empty too. Nobody in sight. whadya think?
What happens when you can''t think of a Signature?
I''d switch out the usage of ''potions'' for something along the lines of ''stimpads''... Potions sounds too fantasy-ish fer me...

The story looks good enough to me, nothing that would have me screaming "Wait a minute!" there. I''ll wait for the implementation before I make a final judgement on it though.

Press to test... *click* Release to detonate...
Press to test... *click* Release to detonate...

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