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I want to write too!

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11 comments, last by Cypher Ae 20 years, 9 months ago
Well rather than hijack the other thread about writing novels as a career I made my own thread. Now, although I enjoy writing stories, I think it''s a bit of a long shot given that you can''t really make a career out of it. Pretty much I like anything to do with writing: journalism, reviewing, articles, screenplays, books...anything. Well I''m choosing my VCE subjects with a course in journalism in mind. From what I''ve found out, its a good career path with good availability and pay. However rather than do news journalism, I''d probably rather do reviewing or the like as I''ve never really done any reporting whereas I have done heaps of reviews. So what''s your advice or experience in writing as a career? I''ve already to get my foot in the door by creating my own movie/game review site Ae and also work for IGW (web dev is another possible career option) so I can have more formal experience, but how would I go about taking this further? Any coments appriciated. EDIT: I would prefer to work at one place rather than be contracted. I enjoy having other people around and it would be too isolating to not be working with or around other people. Cheers, comrade Kyle Evans, Artificial entertainment [Movie/Game Reviews] Editor In Chief - IGWorld.com Contact: kyle@igworld.com
Cheers, comrade Kyle Evans,Artificial entertainment [Movie/Game Reviews]Contact: kyser3152@yahoo.com.au
Whoops, buggered it up. Now there two threads. Can the mods/staff delete the other one so as not to take up space?
Cheers, comrade Kyle Evans,Artificial entertainment [Movie/Game Reviews]Contact: kyser3152@yahoo.com.au
Space? There isn''t too much on these forums as of late.
_______________________Dancing Monkey Studios
Oh, btw, you can delete one of your threads. Just edit your first post, choose ''Oops I double-posted'' and hit modify.

gsgraham.comSo, no, zebras are not causing hurricanes.
I think that the first step before writing is reading. This not only improves your writing structure but also gives you knowledge on subjects of interest.

It also helps if you are a compulsive writer by nature. Many writers simply can''t help themselves and are driven to write. It''s amazing sometime as you write something today and look at it a year from now and discover how poor it was. It is a sign of improvement however.
Journalism is great. It''s great secret lies in not being able to write so incredibly, but to be able to get the scoop. Most of the Pulitzer prizes for Journalism, and the Peabody awards, or whatever award, are given to people who broke great stories.

A really great journalist recognizes that the public seeks out and values their opinions. In order to have solid opinions on controversial subjects that make the news, you have to have a lot of journalistic and editorial objectivity.

Moreover, having the ability to draw public attention to your subject of interest is a double edged sword. You have the ability to lift someone up as well as bury them. Politicos and smart businessment know this, and you will have to avoid or keep balanced their efforts to woo you into favorable coverage, the weakest link in the journalistic ethic.

A good journalist is someone who has a vast network of personal and resourceful contacts everywhere: in government, business, academia and the arts. Using, maintaining and acquiring these resources and contacts is an art and process in and of itself. One of the best books I have ever found on this is at amazon for under two dollars american, here.

Other than that, the day of the huge scoop may be purely relationship based, and you should be aware that many journalists sacrifice their career in order to expose something really big, something that may not reflect favorably on a highly placed political or business figure. So realize that the area of journalism you intend to write in is a take the heat to lesser or greater extents position.



Always without desire we must be found, If its deep mystery we would sound; But if desire always within us be, Its outer fringe is all that we shall see. - The Tao

quote: Original post by Arion
I think that the first step before writing is reading. This not only improves your writing structure but also gives you knowledge on subjects of interest.

It also helps if you are a compulsive writer by nature. Many writers simply can't help themselves and are driven to write. It's amazing sometime as you write something today and look at it a year from now and discover how poor it was. It is a sign of improvement however.

Yep, thats me. When I did a full year of creative writing I improved tenfold. Now I'm on my way to becoming a decent writer. I love the last unfinished piece I wrote. Here's an excerpt:

The emotionless surface on the moon shone with a cold blue hue on the relentless walls of the mansion. An open windows lace curtains drifted as the sea at high tide. The tinge shone upon the slim face or Reverend Charles Lockhart. His thick brown eyebrows above eyes of the same colour that stared at the wooden floor that gleamed eerily in the moonlight. Lockhart knelt on the cold, heartless floor. His sweating hands pressed together and his bowed in all consuming prayer. His aged, soft voice quavered as he spoke to someone that may not even exist.
After finishing his words the aged priest got up slowly, almost fearful. He clutched his silver cross in his hand. When he let go there was an imprint of the cross in his hand. The original cross abruptly flashed as it reflected the lightning outside and the lace curtains flew up in a wave. Hands shaking, he left the room.
With another rush of wind the glass panes on the French door, which the curtains feebly protected, rattled and the door blew open, slamming into a vase, knocking it over. The blood red vase fell and it smashed with an echoing noise as the once beautiful relic lay as broken shards and red dust.

Of course, I still need to work on it, but I enjoy writing an improve with each thing I write.

As for the mods opinion, well I'm more into writing as you can tell, so I was looking to pursue a more writing orientated career. But I'm yet to really try out reporting. I've compiled various interview and views on a topic and am planning on making an article of it.

[edited by - Cypher Ae on September 4, 2003 1:20:20 AM]
Cheers, comrade Kyle Evans,Artificial entertainment [Movie/Game Reviews]Contact: kyser3152@yahoo.com.au

Nice imagery. I love reading this stuff.

Me post clip of short story now, first two paragraphs.

Reflections of Youth

Robert sat in his darkened musty attic staring out the window at children playing in the park across the street. He was ninety years old and the children playing reminded him of his own youth long ago. How he ached to be young again. But Robert could not move without the pain of arthritis in his joints making him miserable. His only pleasure was to peer out the dirty cracked window prompting distant yet vivid memories. Until dark when all the children went home, Robert would be thrust back into the present to face the bitter reality of his age.

In the attic a mirror lay on the floor. The mirror was three feet wide and five feet tall with a dainty gold frame. It was a family heirloom which had been passed down through the generations. Though he loved the mirror, he did not like the reflection he which he saw within it. An wrinkled old man with old rags for clothes. His hair, for what little was left was very sparse. His teeth where missing for he rarely put in his dentures and only eaten soft foods. Slumped over with a cane to help him struggle the short distances of the attic. But his image, as depressing as it was mesmerized him. His mind always drifting away especially when gazing at his own reflection. He would imagine a boy standing in front of him in the mirror, a reflection of what he use to look like when he was a young boy of eight years old. Then he would awaken and the old man image would appear again in the mirror.

Very nice. Is there more? I''m intruiged.
Cheers, comrade Kyle Evans,Artificial entertainment [Movie/Game Reviews]Contact: kyser3152@yahoo.com.au
Ok, Here's the rest.

Made a LINK to avoid trashing GameDev's bandwidth.

[edited by - Arion on September 7, 2003 11:14:31 AM]

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