
All recruiters: Read and post your comment

Started by August 18, 1999 02:51 PM
-1 comments, last by SnpProgrmr 25 years, 1 month ago
We're all recruiting for the same people for the same reasons. Yet, most of us only gets half of the people we need and/or the project gets scrapped before we ever finished. Worst of all, if we do finish our projects, it turns out to be worse than what we expected! So bad, we're not even sure we can sell it. And that just pisses us off because we promise all our members/workers a fair amount of money for their work.
I think this is all too familiar. Instead of expanding our company, we end up being stuck in a rut for several months before give up.
Well, I'm tired of this. That's why starting OCTOBER 18, I'm gonna start a parent company that'll give all divisions access to our sound editors, graphics designers, programmers, and access to our libraries. As a division, we'll even publish your game and let any division keep 75%-100% of the profits made. I feel that a good idea shouldn't profited off of. (not excessively at least)
I know it might not be a full blown company, but maybe one day, you'll have the resources and experience to start a big one. More information will be posted on SEPTEMBER 1.

Enhance Software

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