
Online RPG needs graphics artist!!!

Started by September 01, 1999 11:10 PM
1 comment, last by 25 years ago
I fit those qualififcations, With experience in visual Basic, and Visual C++ along with DirectX (2d&3d), and Windows DIB's. I've written several games in both languages, but never an online one. If i'm what you need, contact me at Don't worry, It is spelled right.
Greetings, my name is Tomas Augustinovic and I am the lead programmer of a RPG called DystopiaX. Our goal is to create a online DystopiaX world. We are currently in need of one or more graphic artists. The graphics to be made are mostly tiles 32x32 pixels. We could also need programmers VB or C++ with experience of DirectX programming...

Thank you for your attention.

2 Graphics artist are seeking a 3D programer to work on an online rpg. In the style of breath of fire3, final fantasy tactics (not7)
Xeno gears or any other tile based isometic rpg. We are both very capable artist and map makers and have created a complex game world. We are very egar to begin so email me if you would like to help.


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