
addin error

Started by September 04, 2008 02:55 AM
0 comments, last by Stackout 12 years, 3 months ago
Hi, I have an outlook addin that can create, delete and edit contacts. I can already create contacts, then the contacts appear in an ownerdrawn listbox with names and photos. When I close the addin and reopen the listbox is still filled with names and photos. So there’s no problem.This happens when I process the contacts within my addin..But when I create contacts in outlook particularly in the explorer window and then save, the contact names also appear in my addin, the complete list but without photo..Where does the photos go? Any suggestion…Thanks..
What are you using to store the contacts? Are you using a database, or a file? Also, if the picture is dissapearing, there is a posibility that what ever is wrong with your code, everytime you close the addin, the "address" to the picture could be rewriting itself twice. So if the locaiton to the picture was C:\pic.jpg, then it could of possibly written it twice like C:\pic.jpgC:\pic.job.

There are mutiple things that can be going wrong. Unless I knew how you are storing and/or reading it is difficult to say.

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