

Started by July 22, 1999 11:23 AM
0 comments, last by 25 years, 1 month ago
I think I have the whole development cycle down, but what exactly goes into finding a publishing/distribution deal? Is it actually possible that if I made a fairly interesting game, that I could find a publisher? Or are you better off just doing it yourself with this new-fangled Internet thingy?
I can answer that.
You should try to find a publisher for your games. Xtreme Games LLC( has a good deal for small developers. They mostly go to egames to distribute their games. If you really need the money, and are considering this you may want to sell your games straight to egames. That would give you a lot more money but isnt as easy as xgames. If you are new to this business I would definiatly recommend that you go into partnership with xtreme games. Even if your game isnt that good they will help you to make it better or they will put it in a bundle. So you pretty much will get something from every game you make. For more information just check out their site at, or if you want to go straight to egames go to
-Ben Hanson
-CEO Immortal Games

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