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What do you all think of this courseload?

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9 comments, last by loom_weaver 13 years, 8 months ago
Hey guys-

Next semester, i am going to be pursuing my associates degree in game development. Heres the courseload: I'm wondering if anyone thinks this will be a good workload to get into developing games.

First Semester
CS 200 Concepts of Programming Algorithms Using C++*........4
Prerequisite: CIS 134 or ENGR 171
or equivalent experience
GAME 101 Computer Game Creation...............................4
GAME 102 The Business of Games................................3
ENGL 121 Composition I*.......................................3
Prerequisite: ENGL 106 or appropriate placement
test score or EAP 113 and EAP 117
MATH 171 College Algebra*.....................................3
Prerequisite: MATH 116 with a grade of "C" or
higher or MATH 131 with a grade of "C" or higher or
MATH 134 with a grade of "C" or higher
or appropriate score on the math assessment test
Any Precalculus/Calculus Course*.....................3
Total Semester Credit Hours.........................17

Second Semester

GAME 140 Game Programming I - 2D*.............................4
Prerequisite: CS 200
CIS 235 Object-Oriented Programming Using C++*...............4
Prerequisite: CS 200 using C++
CS 250 Basic Data Structures using C++*.....................4
Prerequisite: CS 200 -
Prerequisite or corequisite: CS 210
for students transferring to most four-year
computer science programs
ANI 123 Concept Art for Animation............................3
GAME 200 Game Design..........................................3
MATH 191 Math & Physics for Games I*..........................4
Prerequisites: MATH 171 or MATH 173 with a grade of
"C" or higher or appropriate score on math
assessment test and CS 200
PHYS 191 Math & Physics for Games I*..........................4
Prerequisite: MATH 171 or MATH 173 with grade of
"C" or higher or appropriate score on math
assessment test and CS 200
Total Semester Credit Hours.........................18

Third Semester

Health and/or Physical Education Elective............1
ENGL 150 Digital Narratives*..................................3
Prerequisite: ENGL 121
Game Elective......................................3-4
GAME 230 Game Programming II -3D*.............................4
Prerequisite: GAME 140
ANI 145 Introduction to 3D Animation*........................3
Prerequisite or corequisite: ANI 123
GAME 180 Artificial Intelligence for Games*...................3
Prerequisite: CS 200
Total Semester Credit Hours......................17-18

Fourth Semester

Social Science and/or Economics Elective.............3
GAME 250 Game Programming III-Capstone*.......................4
Prerequisites: GAME 200 and GAME 230 and
CIM 145 and ENGL 150 and
Prerequisite or corequisite: GAME 180
GAME 110 Flash Gaming.........................................4
GAME 255 Mobile Game Programming*.............................4
Prerequisites: GAME 140 and GAME 200
HUM 155 Classical Mythology..................................3
ENGL 140 Writing for Interactive Media*.......................3
Prerequisite: ENGL 121
Total Semester Credit Hours.........................17
TOTAL PROGRAM CREDIT HOURS.......................69-70

Any input on things im missing that i should be working on outside of class? Thanks guys.

[Edited by - BGrizzMayne on October 26, 2010 3:33:33 PM]
Seems fine.

The course, as most uni courses, will give you a basic framework of knowledge. Alot (or most) of your learning will come from outside the lecture room, in your own time, learning on your own.

So don't look at your course listing and think "this is what i'm going to learn during uni". Look at and think "This is the least I'm going to learn."

Your going to want to be learning about things that interest you when your outside the classroom. What them things are, only you will know. Maybe you don't know yet, but you will once you get into your course. This is what makes each student unique. When potential employers look over your portfolio of work, they don't want to see assignment work. The other 40 students on your course have the same work. The implementation of a linked-list isn't going to impress an employer. Your implementation of a poker AI may do.

In short - outside of uni, work on anything that interests you. But make sure you do actually work on something.
Looks like some fun classes, but I have to ask, is this part of a planned four year degree as well? Not too many companies are going to even remotely consider you unless you have your Bachelor's.
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After receiving my associates degree in game development, I plan to pursue my bachelor's at another university. I am looking at a few game specific schools and some not, but that's 2 years away. By pursuing my associates degree, it'll allow me to gain the framework necessary for some level of game development. I want to start working on my own projects, and then enroll in a university that offers a bachelor's degree.

The issue here is that I am unsure if I want to go straight into programming, or explore design. My ideal job would something like level design, where it's 3-d design and modeling.

Basically, I immensely enjoy design, and while I haven't been particularly exposed/experienced in doing it in the context of games, I'm fairly sure I'd really enjoy it. But, design is much more glamorous than tech/programming, and I'm not sure if my art skills are strong enough to pursue a career on the design side of games.

My thoughts are this: I'll at least have some exposure to the technical and programming side of things. If I decide to pursue my bachelor's in design (such as animation or modeling), my technical background will be a good thing for employers to see. Ultimately, being a game designer is actually something I'd like to consider, and I know it's quite important to know all sides of the equation.

I'd like to get a mixture of tech and art, as I love creating more than anything (that's what got me interested in game development) I know many people just enjoy video games and then want to work in them. I just love to create, and the creative process and execution of an interactive simulation or game is something I can see myself being passionate about. The artwork, the physics, the AI, it all is extremely interesting to me and something I plan to pursue.

Thanks for the tips guys. I was just curious as to whether those classes seemed like a good place to at least start and get some framework. Developing my own stuff outside of class is a HUGE priority, particularly as I gain more knowledge. I obviously have no idea how to develop a game at this point. I have some basic knowledge of programming and 3-D animation but no clue where to go from there.

This is random, but any books to recommend? I'm reading beginner game programming and it's a bit complex. I would kind of like to read a book that programs very simple games, and explains everything about the code/process/ ect.
By the way, this upcoming semester, I'll be taking:

The Business of Games
Beginning Game Development (game maker basically)
Beginning programming
photoshop prerequisite
Concept Art for Animation (more design oriented, an elective for the game development degree)

Next year they are actually going to be offering a more design focused curriculum, however I don't know if I'd want to switch into that because it might be more valuable to gain the framework in programming and then focus on design.
I'm inclined to think it's garbage. 1 Semester of Calc? 1 Semester of hard science (and let's face it, 'Physics for games' without a calc background isn't going to be the most thorough course in the world), and your CS background is intro algorithms and data structures?

No, I wouldn't consider that a good starting point since it's not even adequate to get into a 4 year degree.
Perhaps it is garbage and not ideal. It is at least a starting point, though.

I've already taken precalculus, college algebra, and calc 1 in high school. I am currently taking calculus 2 this semester, which is going fairly well.

Those are the kind of answers i'm looking for though I guess. This is definitely not something that is a substitute for a four year degree, but I really don't know how to get into game dev without jumping into a 4 year degree and being behind like no one's business.
Quote: Original post by BGrizzMayne
Those are the kind of answers i'm looking for though I guess. This is definitely not something that is a substitute for a four year degree, but I really don't know how to get into game dev without jumping into a 4 year degree and being behind like no one's business.

You mean like the hundreds of people that get a regular four year CS degree and get jobs at game companies? Any game company that hires a fresh graduate expects they aren't going to know a lot of things and will need on the job training. That degree might give you a bit of an edge but will probably be ignored on your resume for the most part. It also looks like a lot of those classes won't transfer to a regular university so in addition to those two years you'll probably need to do three at a real university. Some schools can be very picky about what transfers. You had better check with the school you intent on transferring to to see what all will indeed transfer.

If you are trying to save some money would be be better off just doing a general AA degree and do as much game dev on your own to help build up a portfolio. Then when you transfer you will have two years of CS classes to graduate.
That's a really good point. I guess the CS background is what I'm realy lacking (never had any idea it was so related to game dev)

This semester is already set, however I can definitely look into switching and getting my CS Associates Degree. Though I think they call it like information systems or something like that. Thanks for the help!
Quote: Original post by BGrizzMayne
That's a really good point. I guess the CS background is what I'm realy lacking (never had any idea it was so related to game dev)

It is if you want to be a game programmer.

-- Tom Sloper -- sloperama.com

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