

Started by November 29, 2010 01:49 AM
49 comments, last by rpiller 12 years, 5 months ago
[size=1]Yes this thread was started November, 28th 2010! Wow... Hope that is a testament to our dedication to this project and gives you more reason to join us.

Project name:

Team name:
none yet

Brief description:
I began programming this game in February 2008, and have worked off and on since then. I now have a very dedicated and talented team working with me on the game.
Factions is a completely player driven dynamic world MMO. Player housing, player owned territory, player owned factions (guilds), faction created towns, player directed NPCs, missions and work orders created by players for other players, dynamic resources and dynamic 'monster' spawning, lootable player corpses, no instancing. The game revolves around the players and how they shape the world.

Target aim:
A solid niche market game. Those who will play Factions won't be so interested in graphics or a pre-made story line. They will instead put gameplay first and want to have a large impact on the world they play in. They will be mostly cooperative players and creative types.

No pay up front, who knows about in the future.. May turn out to be freeware, may be able to make a living off of it.. The goal would eventually be to form a profitable company. There is a revenue sharing contract which will be signed by all team members.

C++ for client and server
DarkGDK for graphics
RakNet for Networking
mySQL for database

Talent needed:
We are in dire need of artists (3d, character, animators etc...)

All game design concepts will be considered in our team. I do not want to make anyone feel like they are joining a huge team with a rigid structure and where they will be lost in the shuffle. You will be able to contribute as much or as little to the game and game design as you wish to contribute. Pretty much everyone is a game designer on our team even though we still filter ideas through myself and the other team leads to keep a very consistent feel to the game.

Team structure:
Mike Stankiewicz (myself) - Founder and Lead Programmer
Ray Crabtree - Art Director
Shawn Dundas - Senior Programmer
Brandon Keehan - 3D Artist
Triadian - Project Generalist
Austin Osborn - Composer
Adrian Deans - Textures
Rick Piller - Programmer



Previous Work by Team:
-I am the creator of the popular Warcraft 3 custom game "WarBall"

Additional Info:
I'm a 28 year old http:// mature married (with a 6 month old baby) PC / Network technician and amateur programmer. I am a MCSA and MCTS: SQL 2005. Can't wait to hear from you all!

screenshots of the game in it's current development state:



Below is a more detailed description of the planned features:

[size=2]Complete Sandbox Gameplay

-Factions is acompletely different style of MMORPG. Where most MMOs follow the same tried and tested pattern of pre-made,story-driven content. Factions strives to provide a completely unique experience. An almost completely untapped game play style in the Fantasy MMO genre.

-Some "sandbox" games promise open-ended game play, only to be upset by the lack of essential sandbox features like the ones explained below. Factions strives to appeal to the niche gamer who craves a morerealistic open-ended fantasy MMO. It will not appeal to every joe schmo and their sister as other mass market games attempt to do.

-Factions allows the player to play whatever role they choose. Whether youare more interested in combat, crafting, faction and/or town management, building a business empire, or any combination of these things, you will be able to play how you want to.

Full featured faction system

-Traditional 'guilds'have been replaced with the 'factions' concept.

-Factions can control territory,build towns, and wage war against rival factions.

-Rules can be established to control how your faction is governed, how it interacts with other individuals and otherfactions, and how it handles infractions on its sovereignty.

-Factions (and even powerful and well developed individual players) can hire NPCs to perform duties around theirtowns. Manning a guard post, farming afield, providing vendor services for your goods, acting as an auctioneer for your town, and more can all be handled by NPCs. They will require upkeep in the form of pay and food from your fields.

-Borrowing concepts from RTS games and possibly even City-building games, buildings can be erected to serve purposes (silos for food storage, walls for defense, forges to melt the hardestmetals, mills to process the strongest of woods, machines to make mass quantities of the most mundane parts). Towns with the best infrastructure and resources will be the lifeblood and work-horses of well-off factions.

Fully dynamic world

-One world (oneshard) for all players, no portals to go through to reach other areas, no instancing, no static pre-made "theme park" destined to be the same experience for each player.

-Everything from the plant life to groups of monsters is generated in the world and evolves with theworld.

-If a tree is cut down, it will not grow back. If a monster is killed, itwill not respawn. If a mineral depositis mined, it will not return. etc... etc...

-Some threats will need to be dealt with before they become too big a threat. For example, if a faction's territory is on the edge of wilderness it will become necessary to wonder out into the wild to destroy gathering threats before they encroach on their lands. Saythat an ogre camp has been established deep in the woods, far outside the screaming distance of any man. The camp may start out with a single tent and a couple of ogres which are a nuisance to the local deer and rabbit population. In a few days they may establish a larger foothold, start a campfire, and erect a few more tents. Some more powerful ogreswill join them. Given a few weeks theymay be strong enough to send dozens of marauding warriors to bring back needed supplies to their foothold in the wilds; a small faction's town may be ill-prepared for such an invasion.

Completely player driven economy

-Nothing will have apre-set price in the game and all materials and products will be worth only what the buyer will pay.

-There are no gear vendors with gear that spawns out of thin air. If you see a NPC gear vendor, he is hired by a player or faction, told where to stand and who to sell to, and his stock is provided by that player or faction. Infact, if the vendor was killed, the stock could be looted.

-There is no 'starting area', as a new player you have the choice of starting in the wilderness alone, or starting in a faction that welcomes new players (you will be able to choose which of these factions to start in). When you first spawn, you will have only the rags on your back and a small bag, it will be up to you to work, adventure, beg, borrow, or steal to secure your spot in the world.

-There is still a missions system,with all missions being provided by the players. A small list of mission scenarios can befound below:

-Escort mission. A player may hire other players to escort him to a far away place to protect a cart full of expensive wares. Or a player may need protection while mininga large iron deposit far off in the wilderness. Or maybe the player just needs a player who has access to a larger wagon to haul his goods?

-Bounty mission. A player may decide to put a very large sumof money on an opponent's head. Or possibly a very valuable piece of armor was lost to an enemy in battle and the vanquished player will pay handsomely to have it returned to him.

-Collection mission. A wealthy player may need 50trees worth of lumber to complete his new house, he may decide to hire someoneelse to do the work so he can focus on obtaining the marble stone from a far away town... Or maybe he'll hire someoneto go pick that up for him as well?

-Kill count mission. The constant incursions from the local giant bear populations may be starting to effect the farm production,a player may be hired to kill 20 of them to stem the attacks.

-Production mission. The faction leadership maydemand a stone wall be erected around the town instead of the old wooden palisade. A player may request 500 bolts be produced.

-These are just some of the scenarios which may prompt a player or faction to post a mission. Missions can be posted on inexpensive boards in a faction's town, or can be left with an NPC.

Nearly everything is player created with a rich, deep crafting system

-Just about everything that would naturally need to have been created, has been created by a player. Gone are the days of finding a piece of armor dropping from an alligator or a snake-like monster with no arms wieldinga two-handed sword. You willfind, however, alligator bones on every alligator and snake skin on every snake.

-As mentioned previously, there areno pre-built cities or towns or buildings or NPCs. The entire world will be shaped by the player's actions.

-It is possible that a player may reach an extremely high skill level in a specific trade skill and may be able to create things only dreamed of by other players (think nearly one-of-a-kind items like an Excalibur sword).

-Most complex items will require many different skills to create. While it is possible that one player posses all these skills, it is very unlikely. Cooperation will be required to create items like buildings and armor/weapons of high quality.

-Mounts, pets, and companions willneed to be tamed or raised by someone skilled in such an art.

-Crafted items will not always turn out with the exact same specs. Forexample, if a sub-par lumberjack cuts down a tree and damages the wood, and then a sub-par Fletcher creates a "Longbow Arrow Shaft" from that lumber, it may provide a damage increase of +5. Whereas if a lumberjack cuts down a higher quality tree and then anexpert Fletcher uses that wood to create a "Longbow Arrow Shaft" it may provide a damage increase of +20.

-Town management will be a craft initself. To ensure efficient food production, building upkeep, and NPC management, the town management will needto keep a close eye on the workings of the town, faction, and its players.

Ability based skill system

-No one is tied downto any specific class any longer. Players will build their character to precisely what they envision by using Factions deep ability system.

-While more powerful abilities do have pre-requisites, for example, to be able to hurl a ball of fire at another player, you must first learn how to create magical fire and then learn how touse it against another player whom you can touch, then you may be able to learn how to project it distances.

-The ability system will allow very extreme combinations such as a marksman who can stealth or a plate armor healer. But these combinations would bein vastly different areas of the tech tree and would take a long time to obtain such terrific combinations.

-Each ability in the game has a skill level, so while your shield block ability may be available to you, it will take a very long time until it 100% effective.

-Abilities take time to acquire. Even while you are logged off of the game,you can continue accumulating points towards learning the ability of your choice.

-Abilities must be learned from other players with the exception of one ability per week which can be chosen by the player without having to learn it from another player.

-Trade skills and crafting will be included in this ability system.

Edited 12-16-11, removing some very old info here.. And just keeping these ancient pictures as a reminder of how far I have come =)
Just wondering, what did you use to make the surface map?

BTW, iirc, Dark GDK is DX, I would check you alpha blend settings for the tree leaves...

If I wasn't waist deep into developing my own game I would offer help, contact me thru pm if you would like to discuss getting a forum online.

Youtube Channel

The surface map is a generic image that came with DarkGDK. I just layered it on the test terrain created by my art guy.. It doesn't really line up with the terrain at all, just gives it a little character I suppose..

DarkGDK is DirectX, and yes there is a very simple fix to the transparency problem.

Just had a look at your project (galaxy empire) seems very cool and in a very advanced stage! keep it up!!
Just wanted to check in and let everyone know I am still working on this and have made very good progress since I last posted.. Sadly still working alone, though definitely understandable. When I have more visual progress I will post some more screenshots or maybe videos or something!

If anyone is interested in joining me, please let me know.
Based on the Dark GDK site, I see that:
1) It is only available on Windows.
2) It is not open source.

I'd advise switching to Irrlicht3D or OGRE for the reason of portability. That said, Windows users will be a majority of your user base regardless, so the losses from the lack of portability may be negligible.
Thanks for the tip. Going to stick with DarkGDK however. Lots of research time invested in it and I am comfortable with it. Plus on a slight 'deadline'..

I got married in June and now my wife is two months pregnant and so I figure it's now or never since I will never have this much time to pursue my dreams again.. For the past month I have nearly every day come home from work and sat at the computer until 2am working on this project.
Ok, so just checkin in here to maybe get someone excited about this and want to join me. I have absolutely no team right now besides a couple very small contributors. Made some really nice progress!! Below are a couple screenshots to show the updated state of the game.


I got married in June and now my wife is two months pregnant and so I figure it's now or never since I will never have this much time to pursue my dreams again.. For the past month I have nearly every day come home from work and sat at the computer until 2am working on this project.

I don't think I would try to squeeze this in before your kid is born. Speaking as a professional game engineer, there is no reasonable way to get this done in 7 months, even with a large team of people. And if you try, you are just going to risk damaging your marriage and your relationship with your wife. An hour or two a night is okay but if you really are spending your entire evening from the time you get home until 2am, that's not really fair to her. She needs to be #1 always.

That said, life doesn't stop with children. I don't have children of my own, but I'm the oldest of 8 and after my mother died I was working a full time job (not a game job, this was a few years ago), running the house and taking care of my newborn sister every night. But by spending a little time here and a little time there, I still managed to feed my game development dream, and even managed to get a blurb on JayIsGames before being hired into industry. It didn't take much, an hour a day or so, usually after my sister had fallen asleep for a while. And I was happy.

Even a very simple MMO is a huge undertaking, one that will take you many years to complete. Don't try to force it, work on it when you can, when your kids are sleeping, when your wife is reading, when things are quiet. Think of it as your magnum opus, and take the time to do it well. Otherwise you're just going to burn yourself out and stress your family more than you may realize.

And good luck!

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