

Started by November 29, 2010 01:49 AM
49 comments, last by rpiller 12 years, 6 months ago
Thanks for the comments guys
Just stopping in to ask for more help! We have 3 core team members now, myself programming and two artists. We are online every night between 2 and 5 hours together working on this. Please email me at if you are interested in joining us.
Did an edit on the first post of the thread to reflect the current status of development. We really have a great development team, its a very fun, creative environment to work in. Still need more contributers to reach the pace we would like to be at.
Anyone interested in doing terrain for us? You must have examples of some sort of previous terrain work you've done in any format. You must also know how to use blender at least a bit. Let me know if you're interested.
Just trying to keep this thread from being locked, I am beginning to work on this again after a few month break.
If you need another Writer or Voice Actor, Im Your man.
We have an opening for art director.
There are currently no artists working on the team. I need someone who knows 3d modeling, character modeling and animation, 2d art, and has worked on game art before (lower poly work).

You should be very creative and be able to vision how you want the world of factions to look. The world is a blank canvas for the art director. We will eventually have more artists working with/under you after the game becomes more an more playable. There are now 3 programmers working on this game.

Respond here or email me if you're an interested artist!
Well, I can in no ways help as I am inexperienced and would prefer not to work on an mmo anyway...

However, I would just like to say how much this intrigues me. Props to you for trying to fill a void rather then just ripping off the old, WoW frame :P

Anyway, I unno if this is the right place, but I'll post some questions anyway...

1. Would getting a house be something you could do at a relatively low level, or would you need to play for a long time to get there? I'd prefer the first but ya.
2. Do you craft the furniture for your house and buildings for your town out of the materials you collect in the wilderness?
3. And how would you get the recipes for crafting? Would they be auto unlocked when you reach a certain level, or collected from enemies or something, or what?

Anyway, I just wanted to say this game looks awesome (ok, it looks terrible with those alpha graphics, but you know :P), and I wish you luck and would like to try it sometime... But outside of playing it, not much I can do :P Good luck though.

EDIT: Also, I see now that you say that the world will be barren of all life in the beginning of the game... aka nothing premade, but whatever :P

Anyway, are you planning on dedicated servers, or doing something like minecraft where people could make their own servers? Cause personally, to me at least, it seems like a large part of the fun would be building the world from the bottom up... since at the beginning it looks like there would be nothing (except trees and mountains and the building blocks of course:p).

So yeah, I suggest allowing people to create their own servers... so it could be kind of like an RTS, where the two sides could get a server, with absolutely nothing. Then they could start building up to defeat the other. Nothing in which world would affect any other server, but still, sounds awesome even if it wouldn't really be the MMO part. Just kind of playing the foot soldiers in an RTS match. Just a suggestion.

Well, I can in no ways help as I am inexperienced and would prefer not to work on an mmo anyway...

However, I would just like to say how much this intrigues me. Props to you for trying to fill a void rather then just ripping off the old, WoW frame :P

Anyway, I unno if this is the right place, but I'll post some questions anyway...

1. Would getting a house be something you could do at a relatively low level, or would you need to play for a long time to get there? I'd prefer the first but ya.
2. Do you craft the furniture for your house and buildings for your town out of the materials you collect in the wilderness?
3. And how would you get the recipes for crafting? Would they be auto unlocked when you reach a certain level, or collected from enemies or something, or what?

Anyway, I just wanted to say this game looks awesome (ok, it looks terrible with those alpha graphics, but you know :P), and I wish you luck and would like to try it sometime... But outside of playing it, not much I can do :P Good luck though.

EDIT: Also, I see now that you say that the world will be barren of all life in the beginning of the game... aka nothing premade, but whatever :P

Anyway, are you planning on dedicated servers, or doing something like minecraft where people could make their own servers? Cause personally, to me at least, it seems like a large part of the fun would be building the world from the bottom up... since at the beginning it looks like there would be nothing (except trees and mountains and the building blocks of course:p).

So yeah, I suggest allowing people to create their own servers... so it could be kind of like an RTS, where the two sides could get a server, with absolutely nothing. Then they could start building up to defeat the other. Nothing in which world would affect any other server, but still, sounds awesome even if it wouldn't really be the MMO part. Just kind of playing the foot soldiers in an RTS match. Just a suggestion.

Thanks for the interest. Other games have tried to fill this void (darkfall, mortal), but have not gone nearly far enough in my opinion. You can't "Half ass" a sandbox game, it just feels contrived if you do. You need to go all out and give players total control, only then will it feel right.

1-A house is not something you will be able to build right away, it will take a while to learn all the necessary skills to do it. There will be the option for players to buy or rent property from other players however.
2-Yes all materials will be collected in the wilderness and you will need to build many sub objects in order to create the final complex objects. For example rods and planks to make a chair, hilt and blade for a sword.
3-I plan to allow recipes to be bought and sold by players and also learnable on your own with enough skill. This is still one of the systems I need to think on more and get others' opinions on. There are many ways to do it, just need to find the best solution. I'm thinking only allowing players to learn a certain number of skills in a timeframe from other players, or something of that nature.

There will be life, monsters, vegetation, it will be a rich world. There will just be nothing player made, it will be a blank canvas. And you must also remember, all buildings require upkeep, so if a building or road is not maintained for a month or two it will disappear. Also, there is the concept of territory control and rules. So a faction could claim a piece of land and setup a rule that no other faction could enter their land, if someone does they will automatically be declared war upon or be flagged KOS to all allies, or a bounty placed on their heads or something. The offending player will of course get a warning before the penalty is applied. The maintenance concept will keep the world from filling up with ghost towns etc...

It will be a normal MMO setup, one world with all players there.
If you want to try a RPG where you play the footsoldier, try out Savage 2, fun and free game. I got some of my ideas from there, some from Star Wars Galaxies, Civilization, Simcity, WoW.. all sorts of places.

Again thanks for the comments!
Well, I suppose it makes sense that you can't build something as complex as a house from the start.

however, I was reading that thread on darkgdk... So, when you say no custome houses or whatever... do you mean no designing the layout, or not customizing the interior? You said we could build a chair so I'm guessing we could customize house interiors, so were you just talking about not making walls and windows wherever we want, or designing the interiors at all?

Also, my concern with the starting from scratch thing is that, after a while, the world would already have been built up to a certain point. Yes, there would be new areas to claim, but there would already be politics and kings and whatever. I'm just saying you should definitely open up new servers periodically in some way so that people could shape the world from the beginning even if they weren't playing the game from the beginning.

Also, the forums you linked to don't show your game anymore... would you want to make forums for this game yet or not until closer ti release?

And one last thing... you say you're thinking about freeware, and though I'm not one to complain about free things... You still may want to charge money. Like not as much as other games, but I think this would be worth paying you for if you succeed in your vision, plus the financial reward would also have you work even harder on this game, or at least I would think. Again, not one to complain about free things, but I would be willing to pay the (probably small) cost of keeping this game going and making it worth your while.

Anyway, this is not really the place for me to talk about this 9or I think anyway, since it is supposed to be about help wanted...), so I'll just leave you to yourself until you make a forum I can bother you on :P

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