
Help Wanted-- 2D Platformer

Started by May 12, 2011 07:05 PM
17 comments, last by sosa 12 years, 5 months ago
[color=#1C2837][size=2]Team name:
TBD, no working name as of yet

Project name:
Mountain Quest.

Brief description:
The project is to build a 2D platformer based on an avatar climbing a mountain through various outside and inside environments and eventually getting to the top of the mountain to fight the final boss.

[color=#1C2837][size=2]Target aim:
To publish the game commercially via XBLA, Steam or a similar digital streaming source.

Will offer a percentage of revenue based on contribution, role, and completion of project

Visual C++
3DSMax or Maya for modeling
2D art via GIMP,, etc.

[color=#1C2837][size=2]Talent needed:
C++/DirectX programmer
[size=2]Modeler for 3D objects
[color=#1C2837][size=2]Artist for 2d sprite creation

[color=#1C2837][size=2]Music composer for sound effects and background music

Team structure:
The team is listed below, I am coding in Visual C++ and Directx.
Programmer added 3/15/2012
Still need additional talent, please contact me if you are interested.

No Website currently, will create one once we have a working demo

please PM me or respond to this thread and I will reach out to you

Previous Work by Team:
just example programs testing various directx and 2d game engine design
created working version of breakout using VC++ and DirectX

Additional Info:
I am very motivated to finish this game and would like people interested in helping.
[color=#1C2837][size=2]We have an SVN repository now and alot of code is complete. We very much need artists for sound and artwork to create content for the game.
[color=#1C2837][size=2]Once we have a finished demo, the plan is to use Kickstarter or some other method to get funding to pay everyone and complete the full game.

You'll offer a percentage of POTENTIAL revenue? OK, so, figure out how much you think the game will make and send me a check. :)
I will actually offer some useful feedback unlike the person above. From you posting It appears you have some beginner knowledge of programming . I would recommend you look at using the unity3D, and thier are a couple of reasons for that . The first is they have an pretty detail guide of creating a 2d game in Unity , and has some scripts you can use in your own game , as a starting point.
Just a wannabe grinding in this game we call Life.
Thank you for the advice, I recently downloaded Unity and I am reading up on it to get familiar. I will look in to the 2D aspects of it, thanks!
You may also want to look up our game construction kit. Unlike Game Maker our approach is OO from the ground and up. Everything is built on top of an event model. You basically just redefine how objects behave by tying some code to in response to an event.

Official Project Homepage

GameDev thread

Frank B.

LGCK Builder: Free Game Construction Kit:

Hello there,

I know you are ways away from getting started with major game development. I am here to let you know that when you need a composer for your music, I am here.

A little about myself:
I am a composer who uses Finale (music notation software) to write my music and I would like to join your team. I normally right for Chamber Orchestras and String Orchestras. The genres I usually write are Romantic Era and Classical Era music, although I can to modern Rock, Jazz, etc.. The music I write are foor moods and/or enviorments. And I can do Jingles or full blown symphony style of work. I don't use samples or anything that was already maid. Everything I do is original. How do I right my music? --> I literally write out every note and every marking that a real musician can read. Then I play it back and edit it using Finale. Additionally, because of the program features, all of my music sounds like it has been professionally recorded in a Concert Hall instead of sounding anything like a MIDI file and can be extracted in .wav format.

If you would like to here a sample of my music, go here: [color="#284b72"] You may need to turm up your volume to here it. And listen to it for more than like 15 seconds (preferably the whole thing) so you can have a grasp on what I am all about.

If you are interested, please contact me at [email=""][color="#284b72"][/email]

pseudonym: Leo Smith II
I am restarting this project so anyone interested please send me a message so we can get started.
Updated post with additional up to date information
Added graphic designer/illustrator to the team.
Currently prototyping Unreal and CryEngine as the plan is to build a game not an engine. I will prototype Unity next and then decide which engine to work with. Any suggestions on engine use would be appreciated also.

Thank you as always!

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