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1st Person(animal) eater. Critics please

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10 comments, last by e01hak 22 years, 9 months ago
ok here the story - each player chooses either one a)leapord b)cheetah c)jaguar I chose these cats because of their medium size unlike a lion or whateva. anyway each player, after choosing his/her character, will start as a baby cup(thats the intro after choosing). The Tutorial: As a baby cup, it will be like the tutorial, players will learn how to attack and kill, climb tree, swim,drag dead courpe. Tribes: There are also tribes in certain areas. Example: a jaguar, which lives around the amazon, has certain tribes that respects it and tribes who don''t. Tribes that despise the jaguar will be hunt jaguars like mad. Tribes that worship jaguars will instead protect the jaguar and even sometimes feed em Predators: I also chose the trio of cats because they all have their own predators. Example: a leopard will be killed(and eaten)by crocs, humans, lions, hyenas, snakes, wolfs and more even though its a predator itself. Weather: There''s also the wheater critirea, it may be drought, rain, mist and so on. Finding food will be harder in the drought, floods and mist, whereelse food will be easier to be found during a sunny cloudy day. Hunters & poachers: There will be hunters and poachers also. they will hunt certain animals from time to time for leather, teeth and other stuff. But they aren''t such a big threat though. Injury, stamina, hunger: Injury, there are body parts that will be injured caused by hunting, falling down from trees, being hunted etc. Stamina, each character will have a stamina bar. the longer the animal runs, the more tired the animal becomes. Hunger, one of the most important thing is to make sure your animal is not hungry. but don''t bloat him( he will become heavier and slower) Leopards eats: small birds, eggs, small apes, deers(gazettes, impalas etc.) fresh dead corpes, rodents. predators: lions, big snakes, crocs, wild dogs, hyenas, dingos. lives: middle-soutern africa. skills: climbs tressthe best out of the 3 can drag dead prey up trees runs second fastest behind cheetah sense of... smell: the best sight: good hearing: good Cheetahs eats: small birds, rodents, racoons, deers, fresh dead corpes. predators: lions, big snakes, crocs, wild dogs, hyenas, dingos. lives: northern-soutern africa. skills: climbs trees the 3rd best out of 3 can drag dead prey up trees runs fastest sense of... smell: good sight: good hearing: best Jaguar: eats: small birds, fish, deers, rodents, eggs. (less food that the other two.) predators: fellow jaguars, big snakes,piranhas, crocs. lives: south africa (amazon) skill: climbs trees 2nd best out of 3 can drag dead prey up trees runs slowest out of the 3 has capability to track animals by heat option sense of... smell: good sight: the very best hearing: good jaguars can track animal using heat. the more heat the more closer to the animal. leopards can smell animal further than other 2. cheetah can hear even the squeking of an animal. The game''s view is like a 1st person shooter without the guns. so what do you think? please post your comments. stuck_home@yahoo.com
Gad Blass U ;P
Sounds pretty cool to me. It also sounds like a very difficult project.. make sure you''re up to that kind of thing before you start working on it.

- Steven Richards
- Steven Richards - AKA HTML_Dude
Thats a pretty cool idea. Make sure you make a very to-the-point design document that explains every detail, making that game will be no easy task.

Good Luck.

"I''ve sparred with creatures from the nine hells themselves... I barely plan on breaking a sweat here, today."~Drizzt Do''Urden
------------------------------Put THAT in your smoke and pipe it
Nice idea - but what''s the purpose of the game? If I am a leopard is my sole aim to survive? You say its like an FPS without guns but will this sustain player interest alone?

You could put in a number of purposes - for example to trek across the world to the temple of the Leopard God etc.. But the game might be better with a reason for the player to continue playing other than mere survival and the thrill of the hunt.

Also, there are no racoons or dingos in Africa.

But you have a good concept here that looks well thought out. Best of luck with it.
This reminds me of an Design Doc i once did... the same basic premise, choose a predator, and survive.

I wrote up several scenerios for other predators, but most of them were a bit boring in how they lived their lives. I focused on getting the lion story and interaction the most precise, seeing as how the lion offers the most to work with.

The working title was "Dark Continent".

The largest problem I faced, was figuring out how to make it fun, not just once or twice, but fun everytime. After all, the life of a lion, while frought with danger, is basically, hunt- eat-sleep.

I knew this wasnt going to work as a traditional first person shooter. It doesnt lend well to the way big cats hunt.
Second, its not much fun if you only were in control of one lion for the entire game. You dont want a glorified version of "Tag".
After all, Lions (male lions) , while spending a good deal of their younger years alone, should successfully end up in control of a pride.

But enough about what I did, this is your game idea, so a few basic things to help you on your way:

1) Discovery Channel, Animal Planet, and you local library''s free video rental are great reference materials for learning about how these animals interact.

2) To make things easier on yourself, try limiting yourself to one part of the world. Africa has alot of large predatorial cats, and you wont have to make as many complex backgrounds and environment models. That, and africa has vast expanses of open range, perfect for running down prey.

3) Work one predator at a time, Get in the mindset of that cat, and figure all the angles.

Thats all from me for now. If anyone wants to read my design doc for "Dark Continent" drop me a line.

Adam C.
Two things.
-Check out the games called Wolf, and another one called Lion, where you play the animal daily life. The struggle for finding food, mating, etc.
-Isn''t that more of a design doc ?
-----------------------------Sancte Isidore ora pro nobis !
what the hell is a design doc?
Gad Blass U ;P
For that kind of game I wouldn´t choose first person. It would be cool to see a leopards view of the world, but that also means TONS of 3d graphics. An animal like that covers a lot of ground each day (savannah, jungle, whatever), so you´ll have to create a lot of terrain for that, and to make things worse, its head is usually close to the ground, so you´ll have to put in a lot of detail. And then a large cat has far more accurate vision, so you´ll have to put that in as well... what about jaguars, who are nocturnal? And what about trees? If your cheetah climbs a tree, you´ll see great distances into the savannah...

And somehow you´ll have to incorporate the other senses as well, sound an smell... a possibility would be to go with overlays, or get a different view altogether (Alien vs. Predator).

See where I´m going? You´re going to need one hell of an engine to do that in 1st person 3d (probably for the others as well, but if you go 3rd person, the view is more manageable and appealing, the amount of detail you need drops from insane to huge, the cat is easier to control in close quarters, and you can show off lots of cool cat animations).

So, if you are serious about making this game, there´s a lot of work to do in the way of scaling your idea to fit an engine, if it´s a design for fun, then I can recommend the discovery channel.

I thought make a 3rd Person Shooter is a lot harder than 1st?
Gad Blass U ;P
Cool idea!!

How about you fight to become the "leader of the pack"? Since they _do_ hunt in packs, don''t they?..

and well... the "freaky" part: mating season... haha, you have to fight other cats for a girl Very glory-full!

[ ThumbView: Adds thumbnail support for DDS, PCX, TGA and 16 other imagetypes for Windows XP Explorer. ] [ Chocolate peanuts: Brazilian recipe for home made chocolate covered peanuts. Pure coding pleasure. ]

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