
[Wanted] Team Members for Game

Started by January 09, 2012 11:01 PM
3 comments, last by advancedmusicsubstitute 12 years, 5 months ago
Team name: Blanton Inc. in association with Ariki Games (You will be joining Blanton Inc.)

Project name: Dead Stories (Current project, but feel free to stay on the team after we are finished)

Brief description: The goal is to make a post apocalyptic survival game (includes zombie-like enemies) that focuses on how the player would survive in real life. The player will have to notice and discover things on his own, and make his moves based on that. This is a top down open world game, but there still is a main story line and plenty of side objectives other than the main objective, which is to survive five game years (Something like a real time month for an active player). Score is based on how successfully the player managed to survive, this could mean how many people he managed to cure/recruit into his group, how long he was a leader for, how many buildings or neighborhoods he managed to secure, etc. After the player survived five years, he can continue playing; there would still be a lot to accomplish even after five game years.

Target aim: The reason my team and I are making this game is because we are all zombie / post apocalyptic fans, and we all hate how many horrible zombie games are out there. We want to make a successful post apocalyptic game that is very player controlled and that brings back a good name to the zombie theme. The game is a strategy game first, a horror game second, and a top down shooter last.

Compensation: No payment, sorry.

Technology: This game will be programmed in GML with Game Maker 8.0 Pro. It is a simpler version of javascript, so if you have javascript experience but no GML experience, don’t worry you should be fine.

Talent needed: We are recruiting people of all talents and all skill levels. The game will be majorly focused on sound effects, so if you are applying for the sound effect position we would ask that you have provide some previous work. Programmers, Spriters, Writers, Level designers, Voice actors, Composers, and anyone else can join with no requirements. There will be challenging tasks as well as simple tasks I will ask you to do, this is a learning experience for everybody.

Team structure: Currently we have 6 people on the team. We have two writers who have been around for a couple days, three intermediate level programmers (myself included) who have been my friends for years, and finally a composer who just signed up today.

Website: We don’t have a website yet, but we are recruiting web designers.

Contacts: The best way to contact me is by Skype. It is a free program that allows you to share files with the entire group and chat with the entire group. Downloading Skype is mandatory if you want to be on the team.

My email:
*Skype contact*
Anton Yershov – ayershov777 I live in New York (EST -5:00)
Daniel Spencer – arikispencer (AEST +11:00)

Previous Work by Team: None

Additional Info:
*FREE Skype download links*

Feedback: Any would be appreciated
Hi. I have a couple of questions:

Do you guys plan on releasing this game as freeware?
Is the game still being developed?
Will the game be in 2D or 3D?
Will the game be completely real-time or will there be some turn-based events?
A JavaScript game sound good. Added you both to my skype contacts.
added you both. I would want to learn graphics
Live Television:
Online Shopping:
I'm a composer, and self-proclaimed zombie fanatic. If you're interested, the link to my music is posted below. I'll gladly download Skype if you decide to have me on, I'd love to be involved for the love of the Undead and to get my name on some credits. Hit my email if you have any questions!
http://www.soundclou...musicsubstitute Hear my tunes! Contact me with your project ideas if you want a custom score for your game. Don't settle for royalty-free repetition, get ORIGINAL, quality work!

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