
[Wanted] Team Members for Commercial Game

Started by January 26, 2012 01:02 AM
7 comments, last by advancedmusicsubstitute 12 years, 5 months ago
Team name:
THProject Developer Team
Project name:
TH stands for something, I just don't want anyone to take my ideas, so I won't be providing them to anyone outside the team.

Brief description:
The concept for these game(s) has been developing for years, and recently I have been working to make this a reality.
They will be RPG(s) and the project hopefully will contain several installments in a series.

Target aim:
This project's goal is to create a Commercial level game, to be sold for an undetermined price.

I am willing to offer a yet undetermined percentage of the revenue the game generates. I will have to explore legal terms before I know if I can put this down in writing.

This game(s) are targeted for PC originally, and depending on success, may be ported to consoles later. I am currently planning on using Java to write the code, mainly because of its compile once, run anywhere, which may be implemented on cosoles in the future, and is already on all major OSs for the PC. I have some experience with the env3D engine and I am expanding my knowledge now.
Talent needed:
I am in need of concept artists, 3D modelers, 3D animators/riggers, maybe Musical composers, and voice actors.
Programmers are wanted but not needed, if no other programmers come to us, I am willing to devote the time to program the whole thing myself.
Team structure:
Team members:
Luffi(me): I am the lead programmer, I thought of and am writing a draft of the storyline, and I will voice act for one of the characters.
I will update this list with anyone who joins the team.
Composer007: Main composer for the project.
The link to the forum is above, my email address is: [email=""][/email]
Previous Work by Team:
None, yet.
Additional Info:
The games story follows a group of people with superpowers, led by a group of friends who grew up with superpowers and have, through money and other exploits, created a place for people with superpowers to live and remain hidden from the public. This may be on earth, or may take place in a fictional world, I'm kinda back and forth on this. I am writing a book in this world, and I am writing the storyline for the game as well.
Constructive ONLY
Superpowers and a place for them to remain hidden reminds me of X-Men series, maybe you could elaborate a bit more on the game concept in order to get more attention from people here? Theres always a way to give more without getting your ideas too exposed if youre concerned with that.

Good luck!
Towns Life Project - Celebrating 3rd Year of Development on 27th June - Towns Life
People always say it sounds like X-men when they first hear about it, but its really only related in two aspects, superpowers and a place for people with them. The plot revolves around a group of people who were originally members of society with these powers, and found it neccessary to help others to fit in/ be hidden. This group tries to create clones to find out what part of their DNA gives them the powers, and they succeed. The clones at first seem like complete replicas, but later develop a hatred of their creators, as they are freaks, clones with superpowers makes them doubly shunned on by society. So, they rebel against their creators and that is what a lot of the plot revolves around.
Instead of calling them superpowers, why not give them a characterized name that lines up with the DNA enhancement. Something like GeneCode, having something like a sci-fi'ish feel to it as you can expand on it and still keep it as an RPG type game.
Something like Enhanced Genetic Abilities?
Yup, in where it can enhance a character's look or physical or mental abilities. Kind of like X-Men in a way if your referencing the superpower idea.
It doesn't just do that though, some can manipulate fire or electricity, some can change their shape at will, another can control time, one can use his hair as appendages/limbs, etc.
I am an electronic composer, capable of all types of styles from soundscapes and airy atmospheres to pure, thumping rhythmic madness. Compensation is of little concern to me. I need experience and credits to my name. email:
my work can be heard @
http://www.soundclou...musicsubstitute Hear my tunes! Contact me with your project ideas if you want a custom score for your game. Don't settle for royalty-free repetition, get ORIGINAL, quality work!

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