
Professional Orchestral Music

Started by January 27, 2012 07:23 PM
11 comments, last by Strategy 12 years, 7 months ago

I am a composer from Germany who focuses on making orchestral music. I am making music for 6 years now and you can visit my homepage for examples to listen to. But you can find a lot more music on my Newgrounds Profile. I really want to build up a portfolio for future projects and I really enjoy working in a team of talented people.

I have been making music for a few flashes, including a game jam on Newgrounds I did last year (we won the first prize). Most projects I worked on never really got published due to the fact that the developers didn't have the time anymore to work on it and they'd just drop the whole game. So that leaves me with next to no real finished projects I can show to you. That's why I'm here to build up a portfolio but I only accept paid jobs.

If you need individual music for your project, do not hesitate to drop a mail.
My email address is [email=""][/email].

Thank you for your time!

- Intero
Wow this is just the kind of music I love to listen to.

Always good to hear music from somebody who is dedicated to orchestral style, and who puts some thought into things like dynamic range, melodies and arrangement!

Good stuff!

And in terms of projects that don't get finished, don't let those get you down. You still get the experience of working on it, and it at least helps develop a selection of music you've written you can show people.
Thanks for the kind words and I am glad that you like my music, rscomposer!
I pretty much try to acquire a more old-fashioned musical style because most composers online try to sound like Hans Zimmer and I personally like more classical-sounding game- and filmmusic, even though it is much harder to make. I listen to a lot of classical music, and the more I listen to it, the more I think my music is actually quite bad. Then I try to make something better. tongue.png
Most people, who wanted me to work with them didn't even begin working on the project themselves (or are in a very early phase). And right in the middle of development they just stop. I think it was a mistake accepting these jobs. Nonetheless, I uploaded all the music I made on my homepage and my Newgrounds profile and I have learned to be more careful.
You have some nice music dude! Composers of GameDev Join biggrin.png

"Most projects I worked on never really got published due to the fact that the developers didn't have the time anymore to work on it and they'd just drop the whole game. So that leaves me with next to no real finished projects I can show to you. That's why I'm here to build up a portfolio."

True story. I'm in the same boat as you, most indie developers just dont take it serious :/ I have only one finish project (Siege Master) all the others are sucked, and failed half time (even some projects with a Contract and that looked very serious and promising). After a little pause now I'm trying to find some new games projects that will be ACTUALLY FINISHED in the near future and are serious, and how nice I'm getting some very nice requests from a few people around here (around 4-5) and about 1-2 others every day since than. BUT however they requested me to participate in most of them are JUST NOW trying to find a team, or just ignoring me for days and not answering (however immediately after the request I made a short sample and wanted to show the guy but just dont replies)and such things. SO I'm start to think that only me takes that serious, and these developers doesnt take serious there OWN games -.-"
This way its very HARD to build up a portfolio. But I hope you guys (along with me) find some real proects that dont suck! GOOD LUCK and dont give up!

EDIT: Forget to say that writing music (especially ORCHESTRAL with many instruments) are takes hours of good hard work. People should much more appreciate the musicians and composers. And its so bad when you work a lot and than (many hours, days weeks, months! - it happened to me many times) and than the developer says just "sry its over". DUDE IF YOU CANT FINISH YOUR F***ING GAME THAN DONT EVEN START TO DEVELOP AND DONT PLAY WITH PEOPLE'S PATIENCE AND TIME!!
Those are some awesome tracks. Out of curiosity, what did you use to produce these?

You have some nice music dude!
SO I'm start to think that only me takes that serious, and these developers doesnt take serious there OWN games -.-"
This way its very HARD to build up a portfolio. But I hope you guys (along with me) find some real proects that dont suck! GOOD LUCK and dont give up!

I'm really glad you like my pieces! I think the best way to avoid those kind of people is to ask if there is any payment available. If there is no payment, it is most likely a hobby project. Thus you cannot be sure if they take it serious or not. There are people who also ask for upfront payment.

EDIT: Forget to say that writing music (especially ORCHESTRAL with many instruments) are takes hours of good hard work. People should much more appreciate the musicians and composers.

Orchestral doesn't necessarily mean it is hard to make. For example: look at all those Hans Zimmer wannabes who just put every instrument on staccato and repeat a 2 note motif over and over again. There I said his name again. I really don't like his music. tongue.png

Those are some awesome tracks. Out of curiosity, what did you use to produce these?

I'm glad you like my music! I use Sibelius to write my music and Cubase 5 to mix everything. I use Vienna Special Edition PLUS and VSL Orchestral Strings I + II as my VSTis. I'm going to purchase another VSL product pretty soon, they're quite awesome.
Dude....Writing for Orchestra is not that hard, BUT these are just samples most people use (even its played by professionals), it dont take long to write a pice, it DOES take long to arrange and edit the midi notes and the whole thing to be as realistic as possible. It takes long hours and days.
Nice tracks.

I get the problem with Hans Zimmer wannabes (listened to a "Piraty composition" recently which just screamed "Pirates of the Carribean"-lite), but what's so wrong with Hans Zimmer himself? wink.png

Michael A. - Software Engineer, moonlighting as a game developer
A Brief History of Rome
Pirates and Traders

Dude....Writing for Orchestra is not that hard, BUT these are just samples most people use (even its played by professionals), it dont take long to write a pice, it DOES take long to arrange and edit the midi notes and the whole thing to be as realistic as possible. It takes long hours and days.

True. It also depends on the instruments which are available to you. But a bad piece will never sound better with even weeks of mixing. Even though mixing is the less fun part of composing today. tongue.png

Nice tracks.

I get the problem with Hans Zimmer wannabes (listened to a "Piraty composition" recently which just screamed "Pirates of the Carribean"-lite), but what's so wrong with Hans Zimmer himself? wink.png

The issue with Hans Zimmer and me is mostly a matter of taste - I find the usage of just 2 notes for the motif of Batman and just a single note on a violin for the Joker in "The Dark Knight" just not clever nor creative. But there are things which I don't like about him being as a popular composer. For example: he actually stole a piece from "The Count of Monte Cristo" for "Pirates of the Carribbean" or in "Gladiator", he stole a whole passage from Gustav Holst's "Mars, the Bringer of War", which he got sued for and had to pay a million dollars. Sure, John Williams used Holst's "The Planets" as an inspiration for Star Wars, but he didn't shamelessly steal it. I could go on endlessly about this but I don't want to turn this thread into a "Why Hans Zimmer is so mighty bad"-thread. But I think I could answer your question. biggrin.png
But don't interpret this as a "Do not listen to Hans Zimmer's music", because this is still an opinion and I don't want to manipulate your musical taste somehow.
Well, he has taste in his borrowing at least (Holst's the Planets is great) and the bit from CoMC (not heard that before - nice) is definitely one of the better parts of the PotC score. laugh.png The Dark Knight, though... bleh. Thanks for the explanation.

Michael A. - Software Engineer, moonlighting as a game developer
A Brief History of Rome
Pirates and Traders

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