
[Wanted] Newbie volunteer programmers for space game (for experience)

Started by January 29, 2012 03:15 PM
0 comments, last by advancedmusicsubstitute 12 years, 5 months ago
Team name:
< not decided >

Project name:
I was thinking "Space Drifters" but it's not definitive

Brief description:
The game would be something simple and replayable. I have a game in mind, so I'll briefly explain - more details in Additional Info. The game would take place in space, where the player controls a starship, and the goal is to acquire new technology for your ship (in various categories, like weapons, shields, warp drives, power generators, and misc. things like radars). You get that technology by getting experience points, collected by destroying enemy ships, which is done in realtime, in 3D. A multiplayer mode is easily conceptualised as well, with each player controlling his own ship, and a chat interface.

Target aim:
Freeware - although if it's very good I suppose we could sell it, but that's not why we're doing this.

No monetary compensation is offered, it's all voluntary and to acquire experience!

The target system is PC Windows, Vista/7. The programming language is C#, and we'll be using SlimDX or similar to interface with the graphics driver. We'll be aiming at DX10-capable or later systems only. I suspect we'll need a ton of other stuff to but these are the immediate requirements.

Talent needed:
For the moment I'm looking for programmers with little to average experience in C# D3D programming (using SlimDX if possible, but I suppose it's fairly easy to learn a new framework). Now it might sound counter-intuitive to ask for inexperienced people but the point of this project is to learn and acquire experience, while getting a usable result out of it, and that getting projects of any considerable size done by myself is fairly hard, but at the same time I don't want to feel useless! I think those in my situation will understand. There's no reason newbies can't team up!
We'll need graphics/sound artists later on but until we've laid down the game engine we can make do with free, temporary assets.
You'll need to have a DX10-capable or later graphics card since that's our target hardware, and know how to code in C#. If you know how to use SlimDX, SharpDX, or the likes, excellent.

Team structure:
I'm the only one in for the moment - I'll be a developer (C# programming).

If you are interested in joining reply to this topic and/or send me a PM and we can exchange email/messenger (I'm receiving enough spam as it is...)

Previous Work by Team:
Well I've (since the team doesn't exist yet) done some quick projects (mainly to test out stuff like bump mapping, procedural generation, etc...), but no large project. I tend to get bored of things very quickly when I only work by myself, but when in a group it's much easier to stay on focus.
But if that helps here's a link to a screenshot of a useless project I did when experimenting with grass:

Additional Info:
So the idea would be to make a simple game, not too complex and graphically attractive. The game would be reasonably deep, with various types of technology to be purchased to be able to face harder AI-controlled opponents. The types would include rechargeable weapons (like lasers) which are a one-time purchase, high-power weapons which can only be purchased in batches. Then you have shields (more or less strong, and some of them would have special features such as reflecting small weapon fire), engines, and generators to provide energy to the spaceship, and cloaking devices, etc... There would also be warp drives (classic!) which can be used to retreat, or just to travel very fast (but harder opponents will be able to use those too, so they can chase you and even force you to drop out of warp speed using weapons, etc... to give some complexity to the game). Enemy AI could be adaptive, i.e. it would learn from how you react to their actions and try to adapt and defeat you.

I think it's pretty well thought-out, even if it's fairly classic, but of course we'll probably end up changing parts of the specifications. There's still lots of stuff to work out, but it's a start.


“If I understand the standard right it is legal and safe to do this but the resulting value could be anything.”

I understand it's early in your development (as of your post, anyway), but please don't settle for awful royalty-free, widely available music. I'll do custom tracks just to get my name out there. Describe what you want in terms of how many tracks, what style/genre (I'm an electronic musician but I can do pretty much any style), and what length. I'll be happy to be a part of your team. The link in my signature is where you can find examples of my work, and you can email me at
http://www.soundclou...musicsubstitute Hear my tunes! Contact me with your project ideas if you want a custom score for your game. Don't settle for royalty-free repetition, get ORIGINAL, quality work!

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