
Artist Wanted for iOS game

Started by January 31, 2012 10:46 PM
2 comments, last by RPGMaster2000 12 years, 7 months ago
Team name:
iCU Games

Project name:
[font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Drop Agent![/font]

Brief description:
A simple, casual game for the iOS platforms, set for release in Q1 2012. The main core of the game is almost ready, but our artist is unable to commit time at the moment and we need a new one! Placeholders wont cut it!! smile.png

Target aim:
App Store sales

There will be a weekly payments, as well as a final payment calculated from the revenue.


Talent needed:
2D Artist: No former formal experience needed, will be judged solely on your ability to create assets that meet our criteria. Here is a few shots of some of the characters at the moment:

Team structure:
I am the Game Director, and Co-Founder of the company. On this particular project we have myself and fellow Co-Founder and Creative Director leading and managing the project, as well as our programmer, sound composer, marketing consultant, and business consultant.



Previous Work by Team:
see website.

Additional Info:
Contact me with genuine interest for further information.

I am curious as to what talent is needed. You state 'artist' but don't specify a field. 3D artist or 2D? Modeller, texture painter, rigger, concept, pixel painter, matte, etc?

I am a 3D modeller, if you are looking for one. You can see my current portfolio here:

And my current Low-Poly demo reel here:

Toucè good sir, edited the ad. Made it in too much of a rush yesterday. Busy busy!
I'm a 2D artist with experience in a couple of online games and I'm very interested in hearing what kinds of graphics that you would want to be made. My portfolio is at, feel free to check it out and send me a PM if you are interested.

- Michael
I am a 2D artist/sprite maker and I would like to work on a project with you. How old do I have to be to be in this project. I am only 14. You can contact me at
You can contact me at Please give credit for any sprites you use. Thanks.

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