

Started by April 02, 2012 10:55 PM
4 comments, last by DarrinSaxonRice 12 years, 4 months ago
Shinya is an adventure game set in fictional late Middle Ages (with some magic added). The main protagonist is twelve years old girl Sara, who is trying to find a way through sinister mysteries and intrigues happening in and around her hometown.
The game uses custom OpenGL engine that I am developing in parallel with Shinya (and it's sister project Khayyam). It has currently only modest set of advanced features but is progressing nicely with each iteration.
I am currently the only author, doing all programming, game design and modeling. This is the first serious game project for me, so I feel quite excited ;-)
The main motivation behind the project is partially a wish to re-create the feeling of some old classic games, like "Quest for Glory" series. The other part is my desire to experiment whether it is possible to make adventure game with female protagonist who is both lovable, intelligent and feminine.

These screenshots are from technology preview, that you can find at Shinya website:
You can also read about the development progress and other thigs at my blog:

Click here to view the iotd
Lauris Kaplinski

First technology demo of my game Shinya is out:
Khayyam 3D - a freeware poser and scene builder application:
Pretty cool looking game. It has a really nostalgic feel to it. For some reason, it reminds be of Shenmue. The story sounds promising, too.
Congratulations. While the graphics looks basic it works first and I see indoor, outdoor, architecture, looks like you have a flexible system. Promising.

Previously "Krohm"

Good work. That reminds me of some of the project I want to do. It is impressive that you are the only one working on it so far.

I know the game if far from complete but a few things to work on would be improving the controls. The music also isn't very fitting.

Other than that good work.
My current game project Platform RPG
I had fun running around your prototype. That is a pretty huge landscape btw, I like the sense of scale in this and the village looks wonderful when viewed from a very far distance. I would suggest doing some general optimization though. Good luck, keep your blog updated I would like to see the progress :)
Its about being creative through these confines~

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