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Numerical integration methods

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13 comments, last by taby 12 years ago
I think I made these codes up from the example that Gaffer had given. The Gaffer example is a great resource, but it was a bit too object-oriented for me, and I had to pare it down to understand it better. If anyone has any other integration methods that they'd like to share, I'd be very grateful, and I can put them in the same format. Maybe someone could make a sticky thread about integration, I dunno. Maybe there already is.

I'm also kind of putting this here so that I can find it easier later. Is there a way to make notes for myself on gamedev.net, that can be formatted nicely like in these forum posts?

// Euler integration
inline void proceed_Euler(body &b, const double &dt)
b.velocity += acceleration(b.position, b.velocity)*dt;
b.position += b.velocity*dt;

// Runge-Kutta order 2
inline void proceed_RK2(body &b, const double &dt)
vector_3 k1_velocity = b.velocity;
vector_3 k1_acceleration = acceleration(b.position, k1_velocity);

vector_3 k2_velocity = b.velocity + k1_acceleration*dt*0.5;
vector_3 k2_acceleration = acceleration(b.position + k1_velocity*dt*0.5, k2_velocity);

b.velocity += k2_acceleration*dt;
b.position += k2_velocity*dt;

// Runge-Kutta order 4
inline void proceed_RK4(body &b, const double &dt)
static const double one_sixth = 1.0/6.0;

vector_3 k1_velocity = b.velocity;
vector_3 k1_acceleration = acceleration(b.position, k1_velocity);

vector_3 k2_velocity = b.velocity + k1_acceleration*dt*0.5;
vector_3 k2_acceleration = acceleration(b.position + k1_velocity*dt*0.5, k2_velocity);

vector_3 k3_velocity = b.velocity + k2_acceleration*dt*0.5;
vector_3 k3_acceleration = acceleration(b.position + k2_velocity*dt*0.5, k3_velocity);

vector_3 k4_velocity = b.velocity + k3_acceleration*dt;
vector_3 k4_acceleration = acceleration(b.position + k3_velocity*dt, k4_velocity);

b.velocity += (k1_acceleration + (k2_acceleration + k3_acceleration)*2.0 + k4_acceleration)*one_sixth*dt;
b.position += (k1_velocity + (k2_velocity + k3_velocity)*2.0 + k4_velocity)*one_sixth*dt;

Here's some code testing it against the code that Gaffer gave out:

// Simple RK4 integration framework
// Copyright (c) 2004, Glenn Fiedler
// http://www.gaffer.org/articles

#include <iostream>
using std::cout;
using std::endl;

#include <cmath>

// My adaptation
class vector_3
double x, y, z;

vector_3(const double &src_x = 0, const double &src_y = 0, const double &src_z = 0)
x = src_x;
y = src_y;
z = src_z;

vector_3 operator+(const vector_3 &rhs)
return vector_3(x + rhs.x, y + rhs.y, z + rhs.z);

vector_3 operator*(const double &rhs)
return vector_3(x*rhs, y*rhs, z*rhs);

vector_3& operator+=(const vector_3 &rhs)
x += rhs.x; y += rhs.y; z += rhs.z;
return *this;

class body
vector_3 position, velocity;

vector_3 acceleration(vector_3 const &pos, vector_3 const &vel)
const double k = 10;
const double b = 1;
return -k*pos.x - b*vel.x;

// Euler integration
inline void proceed_Euler(body &b, const double &dt)
b.velocity += acceleration(b.position, b.velocity)*dt;
b.position += b.velocity*dt;

// Runge-Kutta order 2
inline void proceed_RK2(body &b, const double &dt)
vector_3 k1_velocity = b.velocity;
vector_3 k1_acceleration = acceleration(b.position, k1_velocity);

vector_3 k2_velocity = b.velocity + k1_acceleration*dt*0.5;
vector_3 k2_acceleration = acceleration(b.position + k1_velocity*dt*0.5, k2_velocity);

b.velocity += k2_acceleration*dt;
b.position += k2_velocity*dt;

// Runge-Kutta order 4
inline void proceed_RK4(body &b, const double &dt)
static const double one_sixth = 1.0/6.0;

vector_3 k1_velocity = b.velocity;
vector_3 k1_acceleration = acceleration(b.position, k1_velocity);

vector_3 k2_velocity = b.velocity + k1_acceleration*dt*0.5;
vector_3 k2_acceleration = acceleration(b.position + k1_velocity*dt*0.5, k2_velocity);

vector_3 k3_velocity = b.velocity + k2_acceleration*dt*0.5;
vector_3 k3_acceleration = acceleration(b.position + k2_velocity*dt*0.5, k3_velocity);

vector_3 k4_velocity = b.velocity + k3_acceleration*dt;
vector_3 k4_acceleration = acceleration(b.position + k3_velocity*dt, k4_velocity);

b.velocity += (k1_acceleration + (k2_acceleration + k3_acceleration)*2.0 + k4_acceleration)*one_sixth*dt;
b.position += (k1_velocity + (k2_velocity + k3_velocity)*2.0 + k4_velocity)*one_sixth*dt;
// My adaptation

// Slightly modified Gaffer code
struct State
double x;
double v;

struct Derivative
double dx;
double dv;

double acceleration(const State &state)
const double k = 10;
const double b = 1;
return - k*state.x - b*state.v;

Derivative evaluate(const State &initial)
Derivative output;
output.dx = initial.v;
output.dv = acceleration(initial);
return output;

Derivative evaluate(const State &initial, double dt, const Derivative &d)
State state;
state.x = initial.x + d.dx*dt;
state.v = initial.v + d.dv*dt;
Derivative output;
output.dx = state.v;
output.dv = acceleration(state);
return output;

void integrate(State &state, double dt)
Derivative a = evaluate(state);
Derivative b = evaluate(state, dt*0.5, a);
Derivative c = evaluate(state, dt*0.5, b);
Derivative d = evaluate(state, dt, c);

const double dxdt = 1.0/6.0 * (a.dx + 2.0*(b.dx + c.dx) + d.dx);
const double dvdt = 1.0/6.0 * (a.dv + 2.0*(b.dv + c.dv) + d.dv);

state.x = state.x + dxdt*dt;
state.v = state.v + dvdt*dt;
// Slightly modified Gaffer code
struct Method
char const* name;
void (*integrator)(body &b, const double &dt);
body b;

int main()
// Gaffer
State state;
state.x = 100;
state.v = 0;

// My adaptation

body b;
b.position.x = state.x;
b.velocity.x = 0;

Method methods[] = {
{ "RK4 ", proceed_RK4, b },
{ "RK2 ", proceed_RK2, b },
{ "Euler", proceed_Euler, b}

double t = 0;
double dt = 0.1;

cout << "Name | ( position, velocity )"<<endl;
while (fabs(state.x)>0.001 || fabs(state.v)>0.001)
integrate(state, dt);

//proceed_Euler(b, dt);
//proceed_RK2(b, dt);
//proceed_RK4(b, dt);

for(int i = 0; i < sizeof(methods)/sizeof(Method); ++i) {
methods.integrator(methods.b, dt);
cout << methods.name << " (" << fabs(state.x - methods.b.position.x) << ", " << fabs(state.v - methods.b.velocity.x) << ")" << endl;

t += dt;

return 0;
Apparently this is verlet integration:
[source lang="cpp"]void Particle::integrate(float timestep){
Vec2 Temp = P.Position;
P.Position += P.Position - P.OldPosition + P.Acceleration*Timestep*Timestep;
P.OldPosition = Temp;
I got it from this article,
Modified your code a bit to allow for comparison between all of the different integrators fairly trivially. Also fixed a few bugs while I was at it.

In time the project grows, the ignorance of its devs it shows, with many a convoluted function, it plunges into deep compunction, the price of failure is high, Washu's mirth is nigh.

Personally, I disagree with Gaffer -- Runge-Kutta is a terrible way to do integration for game simulation. Semi-implicit euler is a far better system for most games.
SlimDX | Ventspace Blog | Twitter | Diverse teams make better games. I am currently hiring capable C++ engine developers in Baltimore, MD.
So, for semi-implicit Euler update velocity first, and then use that to update position?

inline void proceed_SemiImplicit_Euler(body &b, const double &dt)
b.velocity += acceleration(b.position, b.velocity)*dt;
b.position += b.velocity*dt;

It seems like Verlet and velocity Verlet are designed to reverse engineer the derivatives, such as velocity and acceleration. Reduced variable count, reduced possibility of error accumulation, reduced possibility of unstable behaviour.

For the tennis, it looks like semi-implicit Euler handles things almost as well as RK4 (and obviously much faster), and a bit better than Euler. The differences are small to begin with. With drag and spin acceleration, it might be interesting to use the path as a target curved "laser" beam, where the many force-related parameters can be varied slowly and smoothly over time to create animation. Screams render-to-texture to me. Lotsa beams. Twisted beams, with a high spin RPM. Time-dependent forces would be interesting.

Modified your code a bit to allow for comparison between all of the different integrators fairly trivially. Also fixed a few bugs while I was at it.

This is not related to the original question, but I wanted to say that passing numbers by const reference is a weird thing to do. Passing by value should be the default, and then turning that into constant references is an optimization that makes sense for classes of some size, to avoid copying. Copying native numeric types is trivial, and when you use the reference you'll end up paying the cost of a dereference, which can actually make your code slower. It also forces the calling code to put the number in memory, which again could make your code slower.
Copying native numeric types is trivial, and when you use the reference you'll end up paying the cost of a dereference, which can actually make your code slower. It also forces the calling code to put the number in memory, which again could make your code slower.
Maybe I seriously misunderstand what you're saying or how references work on some compilers, but... what dereference overhead are you talking about?

References are aliases, not pointers. Certainly they can be implemented via pointers, and sometimes this happens, but when that is the case then it's the most efficient (and safest) way, too. References to "numbers" (and if the compiler can help it, complex objects too!) are treated by any compiler I've ever used just as if you were using that same "number" variable declared in another place, under another name.
To me, advising against references feels a bit like telling someone not to use typedefs (because the extra type indirection makes the code run slower). It's really just about the same thing, a typedef aliases a type, and a reference aliases an object.
David Whysong's higher order symplectic integration algorithms are truly excellent. I've completely left Runge-Kutta and all the similar, large integrators for these. They come with fourth, sixth, and eighth order accuracy!

Source code as text:

source code download:

There's a paper too, but I can't find a link.

When I don't need the high accuracy, I use plane old symplectic Euler:

v(n+1) = v(n) + a(n) * dt
x(n+1) = x(n) + v(n+1) * dt

I've stopped using the velocity verlet, because it handles differences in velocity very poorly.


So, for semi-implicit Euler update velocity first, and then use that to update position?

inline void proceed_SemiImplicit_Euler(body &b, const double &dt)
b.velocity += acceleration(b.position, b.velocity)*dt;
b.position += b.velocity*dt;
Yeah, that should be right.

For the tennis, it looks like semi-implicit Euler handles things almost as well as RK4 (and obviously much faster), and a bit better than Euler. The differences are small to begin with. [/quote]The key is that semi-implicit Euler sacrifices some accuracy for dramatically improved stability and better energy conservation (well, bounded energy fluctuation actually). RK4 systems will tend to explode or slow down very easily because of the energy instability. This isn't noticeable for simple motions, but becomes very evident in springs for example.

This is also called sympletectic Euler at times, and there are many other classes of symplectic integrators as h4tt3n pointed out. All of them are much preferable to the Verlet or Runge-Kutta type approaches. But the semi-implicit Euler is dead simple and very good for how easy and cheap it is.
SlimDX | Ventspace Blog | Twitter | Diverse teams make better games. I am currently hiring capable C++ engine developers in Baltimore, MD.

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