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Disable down vote?

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31 comments, last by jpetrie 8 years, 7 months ago
Oh, it's this time of year again...

Indeed, disabling down vote would force people to write a post.

No it wouldn't.

People would just think 'man, what a moron...' and move on which does nothing to point out the poster in question is, a moron.

Or, I guess they might post they are a moron, at which point bring on the flame wars and moderation dance.
(or you'll end up with lots of down votes with the reason of 'asfada' or similar.)

Most people who down vote WILL say why anyway in an answering post, about the only time this doesn't happen is if someone has down voted, explained why and you agree with that reasoning (at which point you get a down vote/up vote pair) - the down vote IS useful still however as it lets people following know at a glance that the community thinks the information is rubbish or the posters attitude is rubbish.

(Of course where this breaks down is when someone down votes, someone else replies to correct and the poster who was down voted assumes the person replying down voted them and goes on a down vote crusade... but given they were a moron it's hard to stop that.)

Personally I think the down voting has been a good thing; this site is a lot more sane than it use to be and generally it has been a massive improvement as it's funny how (not referring to the OP here) people's attitude change when a number goes down (often accompanied by a rant about how they don't care about a number... *makes chinney motion*)...

I guess if you want less down votes and no more posts then disabling them is a way to go... but... eh.. *shrugs* I'm just opinionating for the sake of it really, I hardly drift by these parts any more...

Where people with high reputaion counts... imparted an exaggerated MINUS score on a single down count

They also did exaggerated positive votes as well, and that tended to be most of what it was used for.

You don't think twice about +30'ing someone, but dropping someone 30 points is not to be taken lightly - I think all the high-rated posters heaved a sigh of relief when that ended, and we could safely downvote people again...

Tristam MacDonald. Ex-BigTech Software Engineer. Future farmer. [https://trist.am]

this site is a lot more sane than it use to be

True that. I kinda wonder if it has more to do with most of the people who are on here and active these days being ten years older than they were then- older, wiser, bloodied in scores of flamewars.

I'm still waiting eagerly for that hockey MMOs written in HTML with variables...

Eric Richards

SlimDX tutorials - http://www.richardssoftware.net/

Twitter - @EricRichards22

Thanks all for the information, it seems downvoting is more problematic than I thought :)

It does annoy me to get down voted, but I look at the trend rather than the individual down vote. I'm trending upwards. I don't post much, so my post count is a little stagnant, but the few down votes I get don't even make a dip in the graph in my profile.

We had a member a few months back that trended down. His reputation reached a low of -825 before he was finally banned. If you're trending like him, rest assured that YOU are the cause and need to change.wink.png But that's not an issue with you.

What does annoy me most is when I reply to a comment and the original poster just disappears!angry.png I'm not here to bloviate. Did I help him? Was it useful? I'll never know! That to me, more than an unexplained down vote, is highly rude and inconsiderate!

Hodgman, on 24 Oct 2015 - 04:53 AM, said:
-1's are good for "I don't agree with this" -- but to encourage discussion, it's important to state why you don't agree.
Indeed, disabling down vote would force people to write a post.

It wouldn't force anything. People are lazy. More likely is that there would be no rebuttal at all -- and then the effect is that non-useful comments go uncontested. I agree that some people's (ab)use of down-votes makes it an imperfect solution, but even so down-votes are *mostly* used appropriately -- this is a "don't let perfect be the enemy of good" situation, and throwing them out entirely would be throwing the baby out with the bathwater. And for what exactly? To spare our egos the occasional slight?

I also think down-votes are useful as a way of expressing disagreement with a post without dragging the thread into a conversation about why the post is bad. We really don't need another thread that descends into One-Righteous-Defender-of-Noble-Singleton vs. Literally-Everyone-Else. People should be free to forward novel or controversial viewpoints, but in doing so they really ought to offer a defense of their position that's relateable to the question at hand. Otherwise you're just making unsubstantiated claims, which aren't useful and detract from useful conversation.

All that said, we (hopefully) all learn and evolve, so I'd actually like to see down-votes roll off of affecting someone's reputation over time -- say over 6 months, possibly with graduated effect at 2 and 4 months. I think also for this to work we'd want different kinds of downvote to separate between someone who's harmfully spreading misinformation and someone who's commiting anti-social behavior at a level worth rebuking (e.g. responding with personal attacks after being criticized) but not necessarily at a level that needs swift moderator action (I imagine these second kind of down-votes to accumulate in a way that draws moderator attention to acute problems without calling moderator 911, and also to follow the offender for a longer period of time before rolling off, or not rolling off at all.

throw table_exception("(? ???)? ? ???");

While down vote mechanics on gamedev are in my opinion quite ok, I have little doubt about down vote button benefits but not because of reputation lowering.

It is because lately I have realized that gamedev activity is quite low, I cannot tell why very well, seems like people do not have programming issues or whatever, but I think that down vote button presence is what does not help it. Lounge is flooded with half-technical topics or with topic that are of polemical oponing technical nature and posters do not want to experience down votes. I cannot tell to what extent the down vote lowers the activity on gamedev, but I think it does.

It is because lately I have realized that gamedev activity is quite low [...] I cannot tell to what extent the down vote lowers the activity on gamedev, but I think it does.

The the activity was high and we already had downvotes, but now activity is (potentially) lower and we still have downvotes, why do you think downvotes are correlated to a decrease in activity?

I'd speculate it's the advent of Stack Overflow that makes GameDev.net less visited.

I rarely see downvotes, and if I do, it just -1 or -2. I don't have statistics, but I don't think there is actually much downvoting at all.

I have been here a few months, and am at a surprising high rank already. I think that means there is a big heap of new users that post here a few times, and then wander off to other places. (As Servant said, it's much simpler to throw "error 12345: blah die blah" into a search engine, and see what answers it gives, than to come here and discuss it.)

To me the gamedev site is about deeper issues in games, like "game design" or "do path finding for enemies". It's not a problem you have every day. These are also problems that arise after you got sufficient experience with programming, engines, game programming and production. Most new users never get there.

I'd speculate it's the advent of Stack Overflow that makes GameDev.net less visited.

The overlap between Stack Overflow and gamedev doesn't justify this statement. Stack Overflow is more generic (jack of all trades) and gamedev more specialised. People having issues in the areas of database, image processing, web design, general programming...others... are more likely to visit Stack Overflow. Whereas gaming issues would visit gamedev

I have been here a few months, and am at a surprising high rank already.

Surprised? Why are you surprised? If someone is extremely smart in these technical areas and they spend good time in helping others (including beginners issues- not trivial), what else do you expect? You expect to remain static rank-wise?

can't help being grumpy...

Just need to let some steam out, so my head doesn't explode...

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