
Visual Basic Galaga Help

Started by December 02, 2017 05:38 PM
1 comment, last by Scouting Ninja 6 years, 9 months ago


So I'm making Galaga in Visual Basic for a class project, I'm stuck to Visual Basic (sigh) and so far I have my ship moving back and forth and shooting and when it shoots and the laser hits a PictureBox the PictureBox explodes, but now I'm to the point were I need invaders/enemies to fly in and line up in there positions. I'm completely stuck on how to make 5 or so ships fly in a set path and then go to a line.  If anyone has any advice on how to make them fly in a set path that would be great. 


Visual Basic

4 hours ago, Ethan Webb said:

. I'm completely stuck on how to make 5 or so ships fly in a set path and then go to a line.

You would make way-points for this. Then it would be as simple as having them move to the way-points.

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