
VR naked development

Started by March 10, 2018 12:22 PM
4 comments, last by Shaarigan 6 years, 6 months ago
Hi guys, I`m starting to learn game development and I'm aiming it for VR development.
Right now I can`t afford any VR equipment so until I can, I want to start learning whatever
principles needed that will follow with me to VR when I will get it.
I started learning the basics of C# and a little bit (play around) with Unity.
I have a lot of mess in my head and I want to make it efficient as possible because I`m
self-learn all of it. I want to make an efficient syllabus to follow, milestones, to know
what I learned and what else should I learn and be as efficient as possible at it.
After I will know my route, I will polish my plan more specifically.
What I need is the information of what exactly I need (and can) to learn right now for
VR development, in what order, and recommended resources for it would be much appreciated.
Thanks a lot in advance.
Sol University :P

I'm kind of in your same boat since I'm wanting to get into VR as well. Unity is pretty much the best option you have in terms of game engine technology since it has the most support. It supports occulus and Google cardboard. I'd probably invest in the latter since it only costs $20 or so to buy a headset to hold your phone to your face. Meanwhile an occulus rift is $400. I don't think VR has a large dev community behind it yet but these are definitely the way to go for now at least.

As far as learning efficiently though, I don't think there really is a best way to do it. I don't really think you need a lot of structure as well. Here is a good tutorial for getting started with hooking up VR and Unity. If you follow a Unity or VR course though you may get a nice overview but neglect to explore important features useful to you or superfluous features you don't care about so much. I would just get up and start playing around in Unity. Create a new project to kind of use as a learning sandbox and just mess around and see what you can do. Maybe even look at some videos of VR games in action and use those as a basis for what you could try developing.


VR has at least a such huge community base that the Khronos Group is aiming to go for a VR standard layer as seen here. Maybe there will be a "Software Renderer" as it was in OpenGL, otherwise I could imagine that there is a hardware simulator anywhere on the net

26 minutes ago, Shaarigan said:

VR has at least a such huge community base that the Khronos Group is aiming to go for a VR standard layer as seen here. Maybe there will be a "Software Renderer" as it was in OpenGL, otherwise I could imagine that there is a hardware simulator anywhere on the net

I'm not sure i'd say it has a huge community base just because people are developing software that works with it, in terms of pure VR games or adapting existing games to feature VR it often isn't at all an increase in profit in much the same way that linux compatibility often isn't.

That would be more liable to change if it wasn't 400-600 bucks for the equipment, which might happen some years from now.

As more or less handicapped to things like VR so that I cant even use the technik, I'm just nor following the trend nor do really understand the hype arround it for now. Just saw that Khronos is working on a VR standard and thought it intersting enougth to keep it in mind.

My opinion in it would blow up the kind of this discussion so beeing an of-topic theme rather than really helpfull in the For Beginners forum ;)

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