
Newbie: What program language should i learn?

Started by September 17, 2018 02:49 AM
12 comments, last by lilywolf 4 years, 8 months ago

I think Godot will be an excellent choice for starting. I'm just evaluating it to do my next mini-game, and have been working through tutorials / testing 3d skinned model import.

I also used Unity for the previous mini-game and while Unity has many commendable properties (and a wealth of tutorials), the words I would use in comparison to Godot would be things like 'incoherent', 'bloated', 'slow', 'mess'. Perhaps this is partly because at the moment Unity has more features / custom addons which don't necessarily work well together, whereas Godot is younger, more focused and hasn't had the opportunity to make so many design mistakes as Unity. But it is hard to deny, putting on my 'software engineering' hat, Godot (to my eyes) simply seems a far more proficiently written piece of software.

Godot also nicely wraps up everything into one simple package, the gd script editor is built in and has autocompletion, debugging etc, no need to install other editors / .net frameworks etc etc. I don't know about on windows, but on linux the entire thing (engine / editor / help files etc) is installed as an elegant single 49 meg .appimage, which is fantastic.

That said, I haven't gone through a project life cycle with it yet, and am expecting to encounter bugs / the need for workarounds, particularly because I am using 3d which may be more in a state of flux (and hasn't been proven with a large number of games). The 2d part of the engine seems to get glowing reviews though.


Godot feels better for 2D projects and like you say, its slim.

The only thing I would recommend at this stage is to make a small test game - such as Space Invaders or Pong - to put Godot( or Unity ) through its paces.  Most of the time in computing others will recommend a technology only to find out, with experience, its not a good fit for you.  Better to test the waters first before fully committing...

Languages; C, Java. Platforms: Android, Oculus Go, ZX Spectrum, Megadrive.

Website: Mega-Gen Garage

LKucher said:

@Gerhart I think you should choose between building apps for PC and mobile devices first. It takes a different set of skills. Mobile game development is a great industry - I'd recommend choosing that. Cross-platform mobile apps are the most popular. You can build one app for all operating systems. One of the most popular tools for that is Xamarin. Check out what skills xamarin developer has to have to land a job, should be helpful.

Really odd that you signed up just to post a ‘helpful’ site with less than 1000 google hits. Also the OP chose Godot in 2018 and you're bumping an old, resolved thread.

ED: Oh look, from linkedin…

"Lyudmila Kucher. Client Business Developer | Talmatic"

🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂<←The tone posse, ready for action.

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