
Steps to create multiplayer game?

Started by November 29, 2018 12:01 AM
0 comments, last by Michal Bojda 5 years, 9 months ago

Hey there,

first of all, I want to calm you... No, I am not trying to make nextgen MMO. I am just trying to make some simple game, using geolocation services. (and no, I dont believe i will be rich in one year, and will create another * GO title with millions of downloads). 

So, it's for a mobile, using Unity engine. Everything is good in a "singleplayer" mode, but now comes the real problem. 

How many/much networking I need to cover ? Will my choose for a NoSQL DB, choosing mongoDB to handle data (locations, stats, variables) for each ingame object individually, and for account data using for example MySQL, be enough ? If I will be running DB server at home? 

I am mainly confused about needing some kind of any other game server. Well, I will run app on my phone, get "world" from lets say openstreetmaps, getting all needed data from DB, spawning objects in this world covered by Unity (translating geolocation data to world, low poly objects - about 200m around GPS, maybe 60 objects at a time max), handling tasks on the app directly on the phone (crafting, killing, building), saving new data again to DB. As a beginner, I am thinking I got it all. And as a beginner, knowing it looks so easy now. 

If I want to add some kind of chat, or some king of real-time progression in game (like matchmaking duels and so) , or tasks be happened on server so less security risks, less hacking and so on, I got it, I will need some kind of game server. Will there be a big difference, deciding to make some server-client things on my game, If I choose to like in the middle of development ? (I am still at start). 

I am just so confused by the options on the web, like tenths of networking assets in unity, tenths networking services on web, all the possibilities. Its so many to learn, and I will get nowhere. 

So, will my covering, adding DB to my game, having DB servers home, work? Or I am so bad at logic with this, that I should just delete my gamedev directory, and never create it again ? 


Thanks for any helpfull informations, hopefully giving me some insight in this problematics. 

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