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3D-app Euler-Rotations to UE4 Euler-Rotations

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29 comments, last by ManitouVR 4 years, 11 months ago

Thanks for your answer.

How would such calculations/transformations look like?

Iam 100% new to this topic and i dont have a clue what to do.

If someone could just point me into the right direction i could find out myself maybe.

Euler Angles -> Matrix -> Matrix Operations? -> Back to Euler

3D Artist

8 hours ago, C3D_ said:

Quaternions are for game engines mostly. Every3D software that i know stores animations in Euler angles and so does XSI.

I understand that modeling programs and other types of editors generally use Euler angles. I just mentioned export options because it seems possible that some modeling programs might offer alternatives (such as quaternions) for export purposes.

Here is some code that i wrote already.
It moves the given 3 Euler angles into a matrix.


#include "pch.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include "linalg.h"
using namespace linalg::aliases;
using namespace std;

float x,y,z;


void MatrixXZY(float3 angles, float3x3& matrix);
void MatrixXYZ(float3 angles, float3x3& matrix);
void MatrixYXZ(float3 angles, float3x3& matrix);
void MatrixYZX(float3 angles, float3x3& matrix);
void MatrixZYX(float3 angles, float3x3& matrix);
void MatrixZXY(float3 angles, float3x3& matrix);

void PrintMatrix(string name, float3 angles, float3x3& matrix);
void MatrixDecomposeYXZ(float3x3& matrix, float3& angles);

int main()
    float3 AnglesIn = { 0, 0, 0 };
    float3 AnglesOut;
    float3x3 Matrix;  // Matrix [Spalte][Zeile]

    cout << "-----------------------------" << endl;
    cout << "Input" << endl;
    cout << AnglesIn[0] << " " << AnglesIn[1] << " " << AnglesIn[2] << " " << endl;
    cout << "-----------------------------" << endl << endl;

    MatrixXZY(AnglesIn, Matrix);
    PrintMatrix("XZY", AnglesIn, Matrix);
    MatrixXYZ(AnglesIn, Matrix);
    PrintMatrix("XYZ", AnglesIn, Matrix);

    MatrixYXZ(AnglesIn, Matrix);
    PrintMatrix("YXZ", AnglesIn, Matrix);
    MatrixDecomposeYXZ(Matrix, AnglesOut);
    cout << "-----------------------------" << endl;
    cout << AnglesOut.x << " " << AnglesOut.y << " " << AnglesOut.z << " " << endl;
    cout << "-----------------------------" << endl << endl;

    MatrixYZX(AnglesIn, Matrix);
    PrintMatrix("YZX", AnglesIn, Matrix);

    MatrixZYX(AnglesIn, Matrix);
    PrintMatrix("ZYX", AnglesIn, Matrix);
    MatrixZXY(AnglesIn, Matrix);
    PrintMatrix("ZXY", AnglesIn, Matrix);


void MatrixXZY(float3 angles, float3x3& matrix)
    float cosX = cosf(angles.x);     // X
    float sinX = sinf(angles.x);

    float cosY = cosf(angles.y);     // Y
    float sinY = sinf(angles.y);

    float cosZ = cosf(angles.z);     // Z
    float sinZ = sinf(angles.z);

    matrix[0][0] = cosZ * cosY;                         // Spalte 1
    matrix[0][1] = sinX * sinY + cosX * cosY * sinZ;
    matrix[0][2] = cosY * sinX * sinZ - cosX * sinY;

    matrix[1][0] = -sinZ;                               // Spalte 2
    matrix[1][1] = cosX * cosZ;
    matrix[1][2] = cosZ * sinX;

    matrix[2][0] = cosZ * sinY;                         // Spalte 3
    matrix[2][1] = cosX * sinZ * sinY - cosY * sinX;
    matrix[2][2] = cosX * cosY + sinX * sinZ * sinY;

void MatrixXYZ(float3 angles, float3x3& matrix)
    float cosX = cosf(angles.x);     // X
    float sinX = sinf(angles.x);

    float cosY = cosf(angles.y);     // Y
    float sinY = sinf(angles.y);

    float cosZ = cosf(angles.z);     // Z
    float sinZ = sinf(angles.z);

    matrix[0][0] = cosY * cosZ;                         // Spalte 1
    matrix[0][1] = cosX * sinZ + cosZ * sinX * sinY;
    matrix[0][2] = sinX * sinZ - cosX * cosZ * sinY;

    matrix[1][0] = -cosY * sinZ;                        // Spalte 2
    matrix[1][1] = cosX * cosZ - sinX * sinY * sinZ;
    matrix[1][2] = cosZ * sinX + cosX * sinY * sinZ;

    matrix[2][0] = sinY;                                // Spalte 3
    matrix[2][1] = -cosY * sinX;
    matrix[2][2] = cosX * cosY;


void MatrixYXZ(float3 angles, float3x3& matrix)
    float cosX = cosf(angles.x);     // X
    float sinX = sinf(angles.x);

    float cosY = cosf(angles.y);     // Y
    float sinY = sinf(angles.y);

    float cosZ = cosf(angles.z);     // Z
    float sinZ = sinf(angles.z);

    matrix[0][0] = cosY * cosZ + sinY * sinX * sinZ;    // Spalte 1
    matrix[0][1] = cosX * sinZ;
    matrix[0][2] = cosY * sinX * sinZ - cosZ * sinY;

    matrix[1][0] = cosZ * sinY * sinX - cosY * sinZ;    // Spalte 2
    matrix[1][1] = cosX * cosZ;
    matrix[1][2] = cosY * cosZ * sinX + sinY * sinZ;

    matrix[2][0] = cosX * sinY;                         // Spalte 3
    matrix[2][1] = -sinX;
    matrix[2][2] = cosY * cosX;

void MatrixYZX(float3 angles, float3x3& matrix)
    float cosX = cosf(angles.x);     // X
    float sinX = sinf(angles.x);

    float cosY = cosf(angles.y);     // Y
    float sinY = sinf(angles.y);

    float cosZ = cosf(angles.z);     // Z
    float sinZ = sinf(angles.z);

    matrix[0][0] = cosY * cosZ;                         // Spalte 1
    matrix[0][1] = sinZ;
    matrix[0][2] = -cosZ * sinY;

    matrix[1][0] = sinY * sinX - cosY * cosX * sinZ;    // Spalte 2
    matrix[1][1] = cosZ * cosX;
    matrix[1][2] = cosY * sinX + cosX * sinY * sinZ;

    matrix[2][0] = cosX * sinY + cosY * sinZ * sinX;    // Spalte 3
    matrix[2][1] = -cosZ * sinX;
    matrix[2][2] = cosY * cosX - sinY * sinZ * sinX;


void MatrixZYX(float3 angles, float3x3& matrix)
    float cosX = cosf(angles.x);     // X
    float sinX = sinf(angles.x);

    float cosY = cosf(angles.y);     // Y
    float sinY = sinf(angles.y);

    float cosZ = cosf(angles.z);     // Z
    float sinZ = sinf(angles.z);

    matrix[0][0] = cosZ * cosY;                         // Spalte 1
    matrix[0][1] = cosY * sinZ;
    matrix[0][2] = -sinY;

    matrix[1][0] = cosZ * sinY * sinX - cosX * sinZ;    // Spalte 2
    matrix[1][1] = cosZ * cosX + sinZ * sinY * sinX;
    matrix[1][2] = cosY * sinX;

    matrix[2][0] = sinZ * sinX + cosZ * cosX * sinY;    // Spalte 3
    matrix[2][1] = cosX * sinZ * sinY - cosZ * sinX;
    matrix[2][2] = cosY * cosX;

void MatrixZXY(float3 angles, float3x3& matrix)
    float cosX = cosf(angles.x);     // X
    float sinX = sinf(angles.x);

    float cosY = cosf(angles.y);     // Y
    float sinY = sinf(angles.y);

    float cosZ = cosf(angles.z);     // Z
    float sinZ = sinf(angles.z);

    matrix[0][0] = cosZ * cosY - sinZ * sinX * sinY;        // Spalte 1
    matrix[0][1] = cosY * sinZ + cosZ * sinX * sinY;
    matrix[0][2] = -cosX * sinY;

    matrix[1][0] = -cosX * sinZ;                            // Spalte 2
    matrix[1][1] = cosZ * cosX;
    matrix[1][2] = sinX;

    matrix[2][0] = cosZ * sinY + cosY * sinZ * sinX;        // Spalte 3
    matrix[2][1] = sinZ * sinY - cosZ * cosY * sinX;
    matrix[2][2] = cosX * cosY;


void PrintMatrix(string name, float3 angles, float3x3& matrix)
    cout << "-----------------------------" << endl;
    cout << name << "-Matrix" << endl;
    cout << "-----------------------------" << endl;

    cout << matrix[0][0] << " " << matrix[1][0] << " " << matrix[2][0] << " " << endl;
    cout << matrix[0][1] << " " << matrix[1][1] << " " << matrix[2][1] << " " << endl;
    cout << matrix[0][2] << " " << matrix[1][2] << " " << matrix[2][2] << " " << endl;
    cout << "-----------------------------" << endl << endl << endl;

void MatrixDecomposeYXZ(float3x3& matrix, float3& angles)
    angles.x = asinf(-matrix[2][1]);                        //              X
    if (cosf(angles.x) > 0.0001)                            // Not at poles X
        angles.y = atan2f(matrix[2][0], matrix[2][2]);      //              Y
        angles.z = atan2f(matrix[0][1], matrix[1][1]);      //              Z
        angles.y = 0.0f;                                    //              Y
        angles.z = atan2f(-matrix[1][0], matrix[0][0]);     //              Z


1 minute ago, Zakwayda said:

I understand that modeling programs and other types of editors generally use Euler angles. I just mentioned export options because it seems possible that some modeling programs might offer alternatives (such as quaternions) for export purposes.

Okay. Thank you. Unfortunatly i will have to go with Euler angles.

@JohnnyCode mentioned affine transformations and alignment transformations.

I will look into that. I guess i have to really learn this stuff to succeed here.

3D Artist

I'm not sure how helpful any of this will be (if at all), but I'll offer a couple more things.

I found this:


I assume this is the documentation for the software you're using, although I could be wrong about that.

On this page is a section titled Setting the Rotation Order. It says that in the 'kinematics property editor' you can set the rotation order for (presumably) Euler angles, e.g. XYZ, XZY, etc. If this is in fact the documentation for the software you're using, perhaps you could look in the kinematics property editor (if you haven't already) and report what Euler-angle order you're using, as that could be relevant information.

Also, in the section titled Animation and Rotation, it mentions that you can use quaternion keys. I don't know what this means exactly in the context of this particular software, but you might double check and make sure you're right that you can't export orientations in quaternion form. (The reason I mention this is that quaternions might be easier than Euler angles to convert from Softimage to UE.)

@Zakwayda Yupp. Thats the Software iam using. XSI.

In my second video on page one of this thread i show exactly how i set the rotation order in the local kinematics property editor.

You must have missed it. This is why i was sure that the order is XZY because it changes the XYZ values to those in UE4.

Regarding the quaternions: I know that i read some option in the animation editor that mentioned quaternions.

I will look into that!

And thank you for digging with me! :)


Here are the actual docs: Autodesk Softimage XSI Docs

3D Artist

Found this C++ Class References in the XSI docs about Rotation and Quaternions.


3D Artist

9 minutes ago, C3D_ said:

In my second video on page one of this thread i show exactly how i set the rotation order in the local kinematics property editor.

You must have missed it.

I think it's more that I just didn't remember all the details from the videos you posted.

In any case, I have one more suggestion, which is to bypass UE's Euler angles entirely and use quaternions to build the UE orientation instead. This eliminates the issue of UE's Euler-angle order, which could simplify things.

Previously I mentioned that it seems the relationship between Euler angles in Softimage and UE (setting aside the issue of angle order) is as follows:

UE X = -(Softimage X)
UE Z = -(Softimage Y)
UE Y = -(Softimage Z)

Based on this, the process would be something like this:

- Make sure the Softimage Euler angles are in XYZ order. (You can use any order, but for other orders the following steps would be different.)

- In your conversion code:

- Build a quaternion from the world X axis, and the negative of the Softimage X angle (call this qx).

- Build a quaternion from the world Z axis, and the negative of the Softimage Y angle (call this qz).

- Build a quaternion from the world Y axis, and the negative of the Softimage Z angle (call this qy).

- Multiply these quaternions together in the order qy*qz*qx to yield a new quaternion q.

- Use the FRotator constructor that accepts a quaternion to construct an FRotator instance from q.

- Use this FRotator instance when creating the transform for the object.

- If that doesn't work, you could try reversing the quaternion multiplication order, that is, using qx*qz*qy instead.

There are enough variables and uncertainties here that I'd be (pleasantly) surprised if what I described here works out of the box, but it might be worth trying. If you try it and it doesn't work, maybe you could post your new code, as there might be errors someone could spot.

Regardless of whether I got all the details right in this post, the idea is to bypass UE's Euler angles entirely and construct the orientation directly yourself using quaternions and Softimage's Euler-angle values.

WoW! Thank you so much. I will try to do that!

I will post the code when i have it!

Thanks!! :)

3D Artist


Unreal engine doesn’t care about the rotate orders you set, it expects and “We always use same math for any rotation application, and it should be just xyz in the order. We don’t support rotation order change

I was reading up on Maya rigging and found info that looked pertinent to this thread. From https://www.riggingdojo.com/2014/10/03/everything-thought-knew-maya-joint-orient-wrong/

🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂<←The tone posse, ready for action.

@Zakwayda Okay, here is a first try. Not sure if this is what you meant.

Is this correct?

FQuat qx(pX, 0, 0, -rX);
FQuat qz(0, 0, pZ, -rY);
FQuat qy(0, pY, 0, -rZ);



3D Artist

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