
Starting the journey of creating my game

Started by October 08, 2019 02:54 PM
7 comments, last by Aymen.Khelifi 4 years, 11 months ago

I have been fascinated by programming before 8 years from now. The journey took me from someone who loves to be software engineer to be a networks engineer. I work as full time IP networks engineer.

Well,  I am a great fun of indie games developers. I have been following Dev-Logs for several indie game developers for a while. In the previous years many ideas of games have been floating in my mind and finally I took the decision to start my own small game project.

I have been planning for the last 2 weeks for my game. I have decided to write the whole game and engine myself. My estimations are

  1. Because I am doing this as side project the whole idea ( a 2D platformer ) will take me between 6 months to 1 year.
  2. The Game Engine will be developed in parallel with the game
  3. I am probably going to Use Java LWJGL or any other OpenGl library 
  4. I should find a way to target my audience ( probably Youtube channel and dev-logs) 
  5. Perfectioning the game might have a longer duration than the development of it. I will publish it when it meets the 95% of my expectations

If There is any piece of advice of how to start the journey, It will be very helpful. If you have any thoughts about my plan please share it with me. If you have any guidance about how to use this platform I would be more than happy to hear from you.

I am just a man who lost his way when making his career related decisions and he is doing a lot of things for fun. 

Thank you.

Aymen Khelifi 

I am just a man who lost his way when making his career related decisions and he is doing a lot of things for fun. 

Why you do not want to choose libGDX engine for your purpose? I think you will spend a lot of time on the coding engine. 


It is probably helpful if you write down what the game should contain, at least at high level. When coding you tend to go down into the trenches, and forget about the big picture.

Also, try to build a "complete game" incrementally. Start with some very tiny subset, and expand iteratively. Having something that works all the time is much more fun and helps development, as it is simpler to try out ideas, and improve if it's not working in the game.


1 hour ago, Serezhka said:

Why you do not want to choose libGDX engine for your purpose? I think you will spend a lot of time on the coding engine. 

Thank you @Serezhka

Does libGDX support platforms other then windows? 

Aymen Khelifi 

I am just a man who lost his way when making his career related decisions and he is doing a lot of things for fun. 

Welcome :-)

Looks like it does. Maybe there even are Java game engines, should that be of interest ... but i personally have no idea of Java, don't ask me details, pls.

Looks like you have a plan of how to proceed. Don't be disappointed if things take longer than planned, though it would certainly be awesome do develop a game solo and from scratch in a year.

58 minutes ago, Alberth said:

It is probably helpful if you write down what the game should contain, at least at high level. When coding you tend to go down into the trenches, and forget about the big picture.

Also, try to build a "complete game" incrementally. Start with some very tiny subset, and expand iteratively. Having something that works all the time is much more fun and helps development, as it is simpler to try out ideas, and improve if it's not working in the game.


Thank you Alberth, 

As you have suggested, I am planning to start with a game that display shapes. The character itself would be a rectangle in a first step. Thene I will include textures. Does this look as the right way of doing it. 

I have some scenes in mind. I will write theme down as you have  suggested. 


Aymen Khelifi 

I am just a man who lost his way when making his career related decisions and he is doing a lot of things for fun. 


Do you have any bias towards the engine you are going to use? Actually, I would suggest to use Unity3D(C#). This is perfect way to create 2d platformer from scratch. And it will not be time consuming to come up with something and implement because there are tons of framework for Unity3D with explanations how to do that. And in the past I built and released some projects including 2d platformer on Unity3d. Now I am more interested in multiplayer games. Couple days ago I started learning this part of game development.

There is the second reason why to choose unity3d. Because in case with java you will have to find third parties tools for level editor. As usual it will be MapEditor. I am not sure that this way is more convenient than to have built-in level editor in Unity3D.

Java is one of the best way for server part of games.

But of course it is up to you.


14 hours ago, Serezhka said:

Do you have any bias towards the engine you are going to use? Actually, I would suggest to use Unity3D(C#). This is perfect way to create 2d platformer from scratch. And it will not be time consuming to come up with something and implement because there are tons of framework for Unity3D with explanations how to do that. And in the past I built and released some projects including 2d platformer on Unity3d. Now I am more interested in multiplayer games. Couple days ago I started learning this part of game development.

There is the second reason why to choose unity3d. Because in case with java you will have to find third parties tools for level editor. As usual it will be MapEditor. I am not sure that this way is more convenient than to have built-in level editor in Unity3D.

Java is one of the best way for server part of games.

But of course it is up to you.


I would take this advice. 

Aymen Khelifi 

I am just a man who lost his way when making his career related decisions and he is doing a lot of things for fun. 

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