
Make a game like Mario Wanted

Started by October 13, 2019 07:06 PM
3 comments, last by Scopemark 4 years, 11 months ago

I wonder how to program a mobile game in C # that should be like Mario Wanted, but I want the object to be still and when you click on the right guy a new level appear, but if you click on wrong you lose the game
Thanks in advance!

I'd say first start with learning C#, and probably second, learn Unity.

As a warning, names used in other games are copyrighted and are usually furiously defended by their owners. So to avoid getting sued or getting cease and desist letters, don't use names from other games in your own games.


You can use: Unity, Godot, MonoGame, SFML.NET, and so on. Or you can even write you own 2D game engine using OpenGL from scratch, but it very complicated, it requires: Linear Algebra (matrices, vector), trigonometry, math for shaders (lighting, specularMap, normalMap and so on). I like Unity and I like to study how to write my simple 2D/3D game engines from scratch. If you want to study OpenGL, shaders, and math you can start with this video course: Creating Cross Platform Games with Xamarin This course uses OpenTK for binding with OpenGL. OpenTK is built-in in Xamarin. In addition if you like math you can use OpenGL for math plots, 3D diagrams and so on. I think you should start with Unity.

Are you an expert in C++? If yes, you should follow the guidelines that the OP suggested to you already. 

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