
Total noob asking about where/how to get simple game

Started by December 02, 2019 06:46 PM
8 comments, last by 8Observer8 4 years, 9 months ago

May be you should look at JS[+WebGL], there a lot of online examples/courses

BTW: i prefer c++/OpenGL, but, for me, JS/WebGL perfect for simple cross platform (Web) games with wide community



I like to use TypeScript instead of JavaScript. I use TS with: pure WebGL, Phaser (2D), Babylon.js (3D). I study network programming using Node.js and Free hosting Heroku has these database: MySQL, MongoDB and Postgres. You can make auto deplay from GitHub when you make "git push"

I prefer C#/OpenTK/OpenGL3 because you can use C# with Unity. Unity is very popular game engine. There are a lot of jobs. C# is friendly and simpler than C++. I study how to write a simple game server using TCP sockets in C#. You can use OpenTK with WinForms and WPF. OpenTK has ability to create GameWindow.

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