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Controversy: A good or bad thing?

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13 comments, last by gamemaker04 22 years, 1 month ago
As long as you don''t exagerate the violence, I think it is a good thing. You''re actually showing the results of violence, rather than glossing it over and showing none of the consequences.
I can agree with both inmate and the anoynmous guy. On one hand, graphic violence wil possible distract, but on the other it will show the real affects of violence. However, the story itself does get rather dark at times (however, there will be more light hearted stuff thrown in, or itll end up being one of thoes sickenly depressing games) and a big portion of the game is showing cause and affect; therefore, i think showing the cause and affect of the violence can hit home with people. Games like SOF dont have realistic violence; its all glossy and wrapped in pretty packaging. I *think* if you show violence more on the level of something like Saving Private Ryan (even though it is a movie) it can click in peoples mind that violence is not cool and glossy. Oh, BTW, the guy who talked about using it tastefully: trust me, I will. While im willing to be ballsy and controversal, I also need there are some things that I need to do to draw the line. There wont be any pics of the Twin Towers, there will be no buildings collapsing, etc. And as for profanity, i figure it as this: It''s just uncalled for to use the f-word every other word, but when your on a battle field or in the middle or some hostage crises or whatever, what comes out of your mouth is not where your mind is at that moment.
Thats my post above. Sorry, server must''ve screwed up or something. Anyways, since the whole message board has been about violence and stuff, I''m also slightly interested in knowing what yall think about my idea. I know yall dont konw hardly anything about the story, but how does the idea of a game based on the idea of American about to break out into another civil war sound??? I appreciate any input!!
I don''t honestly understand how America can break into another civil war. Just saying a civil war happens is one thing, actually backing it up with legitimate historical elements is another thing. The way America currently is is that they''re so damn comfortable in their shiny cars and big houses that they forget that they might potentially have IDEALS to fight for.

Frankly, the only way I could see an interior conflict arise inside America is if the workers united and rebelled. I don''t think we would ever get that lucky, though. Americans are trained to believe anything with the name Karl Marx on it is bad.

Anyway, I guess that''s the point of the game, though. Actually seeing what the elements were that initiated it. Well, good luck.
Are you asking whether controversy is good in terms of marketing a game or in terms of playing a game?

In the case of the former, controversy is good, it will help the game get noticed. In the case of the later, controversy in and of itself is irrelevant to whether your game is good or bad (to play).

Joe Ward

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