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Latest TabletopGames Activity

August 17, 2019 03:51 PM
Battletech Developer Journal - 09

I'm Chris Eck, and I'm the tools developer at HBS for the Battletech project. I've recently been given permission to write up articles about some of the things I work on which I hope to post on a semi regular basis. Feel free to ask questions about these posts or give me suggestions for future t…

August 09, 2019 03:09 PM
Car Wars 02 - Pedestrian Movement

It's been a while since my last developer journal. Mainly because I've been doing lots of things besides development. I've been playing lots of video games: Borderlands 2, Battletech, Master of Orion 2, and Blood Bowl 2. I've been doing lots of Blood Bowl and Twilight Imperium stuff including wr…

July 16, 2019 02:14 PM
Twilight Imperium 4th Edition - Game 3

Again we had a 6-player game planned but our 6th player canceled a few days before Game Day. One of these days we'll get a 6-player game going, but today was not the day. We did random races for everyone but the newest player who we gave Federation of Sol. These were the races:

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July 07, 2019 08:08 PM
Car Wars Personal Project

For this short holiday week, there wasn't really much to talk about on the Battletech front. I'm fixing minor/safe bugs and waiting on QA to run my Dynamic enum through the ringer. But on the personal project front, I do have an announcement. I started working on a computerized port of Car Wars …


It's Unity3d game. I use Blender, Gimp.

I love my puppets. Need to run to draw more.

Vasily Zotov

  game website: http://www.europique.com


May 19, 2019 09:15 PM
Battletech Developer Journal - 07

I'm Chris Eck, and I'm the tools developer at HBS for the Battletech project. I've recently been given permission to write up articles about some of the things I work on which I hope to post on a semi regular basis. Feel free to ask questions about these posts or give me suggestions for future t…

May 12, 2019 03:44 PM
Battletech Developer Journal - 06

I'm Chris Eck, and I'm the tools developer at HBS for the Battletech project. I've recently been given permission to write up articles about some of the things I work on which I hope to post on a semi regular basis. Feel free to ask questions about these posts or give me suggestions for future t…

May 05, 2019 09:09 PM
Blood Bowl 4 Diamonds Cup

This weekend I drove down to Pennsylvania for a pretty big Blood Bowl tournament. This is the biggest Blood Bowl event I've been to with 58 coaches ready to do battle on the pitch. My friend Kent told me about the tourney and it was a good opportunity to finally meet him in person. 

I ra…

May 05, 2019 08:39 PM
Battletech Developer Journal - 05

I'm Chris Eck, and I'm the tools developer at HBS for the Battletech project. I've recently been given permission to write up articles about some of the things I work on which I hope to post on a semi regular basis. Feel free to ask questions about these posts or give me suggestions for future t…

April 06, 2019 10:52 PM
Battletech Developer Journal - 01
I'm Chris Eck, and I'm tools developer at HBS for the Battletech project. I've recently been given permission to write up articles about some of the things I work on which I hope to post on a semi regular basis. Feel free to ask questions about these posts or give me suggestions for future topic…
Free Android Game - Inside The Maze

It looks like my developer name was very similar to another software company, so I had to relaunch the game and change my developer name. Anyway, I changed the menu graphics, increased the gravity and increased the labyrinth rotation speed. Now the game can be downloaded here. I expect opinions, …


Well then I'll give you my two cents about how to get your project going.

1st - Forget about coding(For Now)

  One of the great things about designing a tabletop game on PC is that you can directly map a real tabletop experience. Get a bunch of pieces of paper, some dice to emulate rando…


Hey everyone!

My name is Freya, and I am currently developing a board game called 'Confined'. The game itself is set in a prison, where all players scavenge for items, do missions and interact with other inmates in a desperate attempt to escape... No one can trust one another as opportunitie…

September 23, 2018 04:17 PM
Twilight Imperium 4th Edition - Game 2



Game 2 was supposed to be a 6-player game, choose whatever race you wanted, balanced map. That dropped to a 5-player game when one of the players couldn't make it. Then a 5th player bailed last minute and his phone didn't send the message. It's worth noting that he felt terrible…

August 14, 2018 04:40 PM
Twilight Imperium 4th Edition - Game 1

I finally got a chance to play Twilight Imperium 4th edition so I figured I'd do a write up. We had 5 players and it was a blast. 

For race selection, we used this website about a week before the game http://www.mygurps.com/TwilightImperium.html and selected 3 choices per player. Here's what…

My first open source online game - Airline Management. Please give it a try!

O sorry. Forgot to mention. It's on https://github.com/patsonluk/airline


"Tactical Homeostatic System", which is a system developed for the Conan boardgame. They are using it as a base for the Batman game.


Just now, CortexDragon said:

A cone also increases its volume by the cube of its radius


Yes, that's why using D&D terms was a mistake. A trianglular prism doesn't. It also sounds like garbage, so... "fan"?

March 15, 2018 05:08 PM
Battletech Beta - Eck vs Connor Walkthrough

I wrote this nearly a year ago, but didn't get around to publishing it. Now that more info is coming out about the game, I think it's a fine time to share the epic struggle between Lazaraus and Talon.

Original Post:

It's been over a year since I posted last so let me catch up my Game Dev…

DragonEvo TCG - Beta

Dragon Evo is a browser based online action card game. The game features both RPG and traditional CCG elements. It is set in a fantasy universe where players much choose one of the factions to represent.

The game has been a early alpha/proof of concept game that we have had out for the last …


Guy with decent Unity skills and a 3D printer here, if you need me to print some prototypes, hit me up. Also, if you I'd gladly write some code if there is some self-contained part of it that someone else can do.

Incredible puzzle! Monster in my home.

Little monsters have captured your home. Use all your skills to pass through all levels of this addictive puzzle. Click and send each monster back home through the portal. Protect your home.

Once, in violation of the temporary opened a small portal in one of the apartments. From this portal …

10 hours ago, Shaarigan said:

Attention, passive aggressive post ahead:

First, I think that Mike's post was a legitimate objection from the succeeding side of view and he is right that the great Kickstarter era seems to be over as there are know other platforms/possibil…


Hello ProMiriel,

You're most welcome to join our project, although, since we are making a card game (real world and online) we are not in need of a sound designer/musician, but I'm sure there are plenty of other ways you could contribute (e.g. playtest, card design, editor, communications/pr…
