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GameDev Challenge - Frogger - Post Mortem

posted in Znippy for project Frogger
Published November 20, 2018

Hello everyone! :)

Now that my submission for this GameDev challenge is complete I want to take the time to write a small Post Mortem for this project.
I have never written a Post Mortem before so I don't know if there is a specific format to follow. :D 


What went right frog.png.160150cb11945bb257af2841276dacf1.png

First of all, I am really happy that I have actually completed my first challenge. As I have said in earlier posts I have never joined a GameDev challenge or other jams before. Since I have completed the project quite sometime before the deadline I am really happy with myself for most of the stuff. Completing the challenge and actually have a submission before the deadline was the most important point for me. Since I am also very new to this community I want to say that I am really enjoying my time here and I am very glad that I actually signed up on this site. :D 

Tools and Workflow

During the challenge, I realized how comfortable I was with the selection of my tools. I really love Unity and I am pretty sure that I will not switch the engine for the next couple of projects. The more I work with Unity the easier it gets to put things together. Selecting Bosca Ceoil and Bfxr for creating the music and sound effects turned out really good for me again. I highly can recommend both tools to everyone who has no experience in creating music but wants to create retro-styled music and sound effects for his game. Even though my tools for creating art assets were pretty limited I am still happy that I managed to create everything on my own. Yes, the game does not look very good but hey I made it myself. :D 


I am really happy that a good friend of mine offered help for playtesting. This made me realize how important playtesting is even in the early stages of a project. Because of this, I was able to solve a couple of problems that I did not realize from my perspective. Positive feedback also helps a lot with motivation problems. Usually, this was a big factor in past projects. I usually always lost my motivation at some point. I think for future projects I will try to involve more people into playtesting in order to get more feedback and keeping me motivated.

Clean Code

Even though I first rushed a lot of things I actually tried to keep my code pretty clean. This really helped me a lot in later stages of the project. For the slow down item,slow_down.png.a8d47e548d43f50d4dab40bcdecbd25f.png I actually had to redo some stuff in all moving object classes. Since I kept everything in a good order these changes were a lot easier than I thought. This really taught me to keep my code clean even in smaller projects. 

Writing about my progress

I really had a lot of fun writing those little "reports" every week. I think I will try this practice for future projects a little bit more. It really helps to reflect on the progress and also to get valuable feedback from other people. Even though my writing is still pretty bad I hope I can improve on this with time. :)  

What went wrong frog_dead.png.a6a1c176d5118561f0df289bdcde061e.png

Even though most things during this challenge went pretty smooth, there were still some things that I want to try a different approach in my next project.

Moving the Unity project

Since I am currently away from home during the week due to work I had to switch systems a lot. Moving projects and reimporting them to Unity twice a week really lost me a lot of time and nerves. For the future, I really need to find a better solution to this. Sadly I have not managed to set up a git repository with Unity. This would make a lot of things a lot faster and easier. 

Balancing gameplay

One with I kinda don't like about Unity is how you control public variables on game objects. For example, every enemy type had a public variable movSpeed that, obviously, controlled the movement speed of the enemy. In order to balance gameplay, you have to switch a lot in the inspector in order to change these settings. Of course, I could easily make those variables private which would only move the problem into Visual Studio. I think for my next project I want to try to place all gameplay relevant variables into one file or a few separated subfiles. This would allow balancing gameplay at one place. I guess this would be a really bad idea if the project gets bigger, but for small projects, this could work a lot better.

What's next

I am not really sure what I want to focus on now that this project is completed. Currently, I have a couple of ideas for my next project. I will talk about this about this in a different blog that I have planned for the next days. One thing I am certain of is that I really want to improve some other skills than coding. I need to get better in creating art assets. Since I want to stick to my plan of creating all assets for my games on my own, I really need to improve on creating them. I have finally bought Photoshop and currently working through a lot of tutorials. Here is a little preview of a small thing I yesterday:


I called this little guy Myps and he might become the main character for my next project idea. :) I know it is nothing special but compared to my Frogger assets I think this already a good improvement for only one day of practice. :D I have already tried a few things with animations which I might show in my next blog. 

I guess that is all I wanted to talk about, sorry if I didn't go too much into details.

Thanks for reading!

Until next time. :) 

- Znippy

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Congrats on finishing and a great post mortem! :D 

November 20, 2018 06:40 PM

Congrats! Although I basically looked at how fast the cars are going by and gave up. I'm too old for games like that. Then again, I still haven't had anyone apart from me play my game (which probably means it's too easy for the average gamer).

Also wondering about Photoshop. I thought you could only subscribe. Did you mean that or is there some way to get a single license? Although I've been using Krita (a free program). More or less happy with it, except for all the glitches.

For me it's kind of weird how comfortable I've gotten with Unity. Just a week before beginning the challenge I flailed around desperately for any other engine. But now I don't think I want anything else because of the amount of features and ease of prototyping.

November 20, 2018 07:24 PM
8 minutes ago, supermikhail said:

Congrats! Although I basically looked at how fast the cars are going by and gave up. I'm too old for games like that. Then again, I still haven't had anyone apart from me play my game (which probably means it's too easy for the average gamer).


Balancing gameplay is super hard. I think it is always impossible to make it ideal for every type of gamer. I think the most important thing is to be happy with the gameplay yourself. :) 

8 minutes ago, supermikhail said:

Also wondering about Photoshop. I thought you could only subscribe. Did you mean that or is there some way to get a single license? Although I've been using Krita (a free program). More or less happy with it, except for all the glitches.


I think I have worded this badly. I got a subscription and did not buy a license. :D Kinda sad that you can't actually buy Photoshop anymore since I am usually not a big fan of subscriptions. :/ I tried Krita before and never really got used to it. Not really sure why since I heard from a lot of different people that it is actually a pretty good Photoshop replacement.


November 20, 2018 07:32 PM

Nice work! Glad you finished your entry. :) Keep in mind these challenges are on going! :) 

November 21, 2018 10:08 AM
14 hours ago, supermikhail said:

Then again, I still haven't had anyone apart from me play my game (which probably means it's too easy for the average gamer).

Did you submit your entry? I cannot find anything other than your last update - "Cinematic Insanity". We would love to play your game! You still have until the end of November to submit. :) 

November 21, 2018 10:11 AM
7 hours ago, Rutin said:

Did you submit your entry? I cannot find anything other than your last update - "Cinematic Insanity". We would love to play your game! You still have until the end of November to submit. :) 

I've been forgetting to upload a project. Although I kind of still don't have any levels except for where I test assets, so probably... my last post was a bit misleading (and optimistic). I'm really hoping I don't take until the very last minute.

November 21, 2018 06:03 PM
1 hour ago, supermikhail said:

I've been forgetting to upload a project. Although I kind of still don't have any levels except for where I test assets, so probably... my last post was a bit misleading (and optimistic). I'm really hoping I don't take until the very last minute.

I believe you can patch a level together! :) You've done so much already.

November 21, 2018 07:22 PM
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