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Reaction to your own death.

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30 comments, last by Roof Top Pew Wee 21 years, 2 months ago
Chentzilla: I have considered this as well, but let''s look at it this way. I''ve been to the dentist a bunch of times, and every time I go, I don''t like it. And if it was for something bad, I''d really be scared.

We''re all afraid of death, and I really doubt that once we die once, we overcome that fear completely and see it as a learning experience. This is an interesting comment, but I''m not sure if it''s too practical.

I haven''t ever played Silent Hill. Perhaps you can just give me an idea of what it is like. I truly believe that this story is original, but let''s hear what this game is about.

Interestingly, silent Hill is a completley different scenario, it is a good game however, but I don''t see the relivence to this.
Atleast from the original on PS, I never played the sequal, but I heard that it lacked in story and game play.

An interesting thing that you might look for however, is RIVER WORLD which premeared on the SciFi channel last weekend, I didn''t see all of it, but it was very similair to the concepts that you are talking about. An afterlife, where many beings find themselves going after death.(CHecks some sources) I guess that it was based on a book or books by Philip José Farmer, there is also a game, but the review seems to give it a low rating.

here is a link to the official site.


It might be something to look into to give you some ideas of what to do, what not to do, or whatever you can get that benifits.

Hope this helps for whatever it''s worth.
Unfortunately for me, it seems that someone else is making a story about being reborn in an afterlife and what happens there. Luckily, the similarities end there. I highly doubt the creator of the show (or book) has the same plan as I for what will happen, and why it is all happening. However, an interesting post. Thanks, DecipherOne.

First reaction would probably be
"whoooooooooooaaa no more taxes"

After that, I don''t think I would really care.
It I were to awake and find myself in a physically taxing situation, my first reaction would not be to contrast my previous thoughts of afterlife with my current situation, but to remove myself from harm''s way. Survivalistic tactics would take all precedence over philosophy. Basic human instinct encourages us to be survivalists, and I doubt that would change in this world. So ultimately, I would attempt to get myself to higher ground, away from the demons, or to escape in some other way.

Beyond that, I imagine I would still not be overly concerned with my preexisting thoughts of the afterlife once I have reached safety. Though I''m sure the comparison would cross my mind, I would be too concerned with understanding my current situation to let the past overtake me.

If you would like advice on hashing out the details of your plot, characters, dialogue, any other writing-related aspect, I highly encourage you to check out Anne Lamott''s book Bird by Bird. It''s a quick read, and has many good things to offer anyone interested in the arts.

Good luck!
The reaction would really differ on the person if you''re trying to create a believable character. Also as people have brought up the factor of religion and wether you thought this to be an afterlife or were a skeptic and thought it to be something else. Also your personality would trigger your next reaction. One person may give up and let the dogs come or another may crawl off to hide but another may fight.
If you want peoples opinions then state so.
If you''re creating character, what I do I a profile and description and timeline and such so I "know" my people.

By the way, any script writers looking for work?

Artificial entertainment- Define reality...
Contact: kyser3152@yahoo.com.au
Cheers, comrade Kyle Evans,Artificial entertainment [Movie/Game Reviews]Contact: kyser3152@yahoo.com.au
There''s a flaw with the premise: No one can possibly remember their death because no one is ever alive to witness it. In other words, you never know you''re dead. The last thing you will think is that you''re dying.

So, if I were to awake in the cave after I thought I was dying, I would assume that after losing conciousness someone was somehow able to revive me, or transport me somewhere where I was revived, or I was technically dead for a while and then they revived me later.

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I''m glad you brought this up. You''re right, we really can''t remember our own death, and in some cases in this story, or rather, for some characters, I was debating having them think they weren''t dead, but in a dream or perhaps captured and taken somewhere. I really like your idea of believing that you are alive again. Perhaps I will incorporate this in the game. Thanks for your input.

1. Natural death (old age)
Reaction: -Death you bastard you''ll never get me never!...
*looks around*

2. Accidental death (in my story, one character is a miner who has a mine collapse on him)
Reaction: -That was a lucky escape
*looks around*

3. Murder (a woman dies resisting rape)
Reaction: -I feal so violated
*looks around*

4. Deserved death (questionable if it''s deserved, but one character died by being killed as he tried to sell drugs)
Reaction: -I''ll never do buisniss with him again
*looks around*

5. Unexpected death (A young boy of a wealthy is shot with an arrow during a riot by the peasants of a town)
Reaction: Bloody peasants!
*looks around*
Or you can go for the White Wold way... your death is usually only remembered as a vague dream locked into your subconscious.
When you wake up, you are somewhere in the Shadowlands, emprisoned in a cocoon similar to a foetal wrapping, effectively having to dig your way out to be reborn into the realm of the dead.
the background to Wraith the Oblivion is pretty dense so it would be vain for me to try and summarize it here (but you might want to look it up to give you some ideas)
Among other things there exists an empire of wraiths called the Hierarchy, which has several legions. Each wraith captured by the Hierarchy is assigned to a legion depending on the type of death it had (accident, suicide, decease, violent death, Fate, etc).
A very cool concept of the game is that each Wraith is haunted by its dark side, its Shadow, which is a dark reflection of the character. The Shadow inexorably tries to lure the wraith to Oblivion, and constantly torments the light side of the wraith.
Hard to summarize, again, but well worth a read !

(unfortunately the game has been out of print for a long time, but there is still a community of dedicated fans, so look it up on Google, I am sure you would find some interesting things)

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-----------------------------Sancte Isidore ora pro nobis !

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