
Article Writing Reflections - How'd we do?

Started by May 16, 2013 03:29 PM
37 comments, last by SLotman 11 years, 3 months ago

First off, I want to congratulate Boreal Games for winning our Article contest for April with his article "Understanding Component-Entity-Systems"

Now that we have two months of article writing under our belts, I wanted to call on the community to give some feedback on what's going on with the site in terms of article writing. I think what you guys don't see is the huge number of articles in draft status right now. Hopefully we can move a lot of them to something ready for community review.

We have a ton of ideas right now of ways we can help each other in this awesome community and the pillar of our site has always been the sharing of game development knowledge and ideas.

So let's have it.. what went right? What went wrong? What could be better or fixed? Do you like this direction and what do you think it will take for us to sustain this effort for the long haul? Do you feel as though the community has enough control of the process and if not, how would you like to see us expand things?

My first article made me nervous. But once it was out there and people started to respond (positive or negatively), it made me want to write more and better articles. Plus with the contests, I think plenty of people are motivated to write articles. It's so easy that it's hard to say "no".

I wonder however if an article is under Peer Review, can there be a way to make editing marks on the page. I know you can make comments, but it's not the same. For me anyway.

I say 9/10 on the whole process.

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I wonder however if an article is under Peer Review, can there be a way to make editing marks on the page

I'm a bit surprised this topic never got more attention when I originally brought it up...

Drew Sikora
Executive Producer

One of my favorite things about this web site was always the articles. There was a while when there were never any articles. Now I come to the site all the time. The only thing I would suggest is an article list that is a little more reserved on the front page. I still come here to look at forum posts more than anything, and the articles seem to take up a large amount of screen space. Something on the side so I could still see all the active forum posts might be better.

But overall, I love the new way of creating content.

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I wonder however if an article is under Peer Review, can there be a way to make editing marks on the page

I'm a bit surprised this topic never got more attention when I originally brought it up...

Honestly, that's the first time that I've seen that post.

Beginner in Game Development?  Read here. And read here.


One of my favorite things about this web site was always the articles. There was a while when there were never any articles. Now I come to the site all the time. The only thing I would suggest is an article list that is a little more reserved on the front page. I still come here to look at forum posts more than anything, and the articles seem to take up a large amount of screen space. Something on the side so I could still see all the active forum posts might be better.

But overall, I love the new way of creating content.

Well if you scroll down past the articles, there's the "Interesting" (posts) tab. But IIRC, there was a time where there was a New Content widget on the right side of the front page. On this site, not the old site. IMO, however, I have no problem with the articles being front and center. Compels me to click on one of them just to see the content.

Beginner in Game Development?  Read here. And read here.



I agree with Drew, er, Gaiiden... better markup would be welcome. Personally, I'm really bad at catching errors as I write so it would be nice if there were a mechanism for others to point out standard grammar/spelling stuff without having to leave a comment. I think Markup would also be equally useful for pointing out content issues.

I'm don't think it would be easy to do, but the article editor isn't super friendly. Browser spellcheck doesn't seem to work in the window, and it would be nice to be able to have a larger viewing area with images in text (or at least a thumbnail).

-Mark the Artist

Digital Art and Technical Design
Developer Journal

I'm don't think it would be easy to do, but the article editor isn't super friendly. Browser spellcheck doesn't seem to work in the window, and it would be nice to be able to have a larger viewing area with images in text (or at least a thumbnail).

The editor was probably more targeted towards programmers so it is based off of a code editor rather than some form of WYSIWYG editor like forum posts use. Unfortunately the way it works is different than a standard editor in terms of spellcheck functionality, so it's unlikely we'd be able to implement something like that.

The only thing I feel could be improved in the article editor, is adding proper latex support. It's kind of a pain using links or images. I know it's not very high on the priority list but it would help when articles are somewhat math-heavy. And the "Preview" button is broken, by the way. It only previews the last saved draft, so when you want to preview your work you need to "save draft" at which point it brings you back to your article anyway, so the "Preview" button is actually redundant. Last time I checked it did this, though, it might've been fixed since then.

“If I understand the standard right it is legal and safe to do this but the resulting value could be anything.”


I think the articles are great. I don't write them because I'm too beginner level, but I love to read them and they are very helpful. The only thing I'd like to see right now, from my personal perspective as a beginner and reader, is an expanded subscribe feature. Unless I'm missing something, when you subscribe to an article you get notified of that article changes and comments on it, which is cool. However, I'd like the ability to subscribe to an article series that people sometimes do, or a specific author. I think it'd be nice to get notified when a new article is published as part of a series.

Anyways, great site.

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