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A big fat HA! to you!

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38 comments, last by Andrew Nguyen 22 years, 3 months ago
I can travel through time by changing the hands of my clock =)

Is time travel possible!!!??? Let''s slow time down first before going backwards huh? =P

If''s it is thinkable.. then it is possible.

The nightmare travels across the cosmos with his burning mane. The trail of ash that is produced.

?Have a nice day!?

quote: Original post by Andrew Nguyen
>OK, one more refutation here. If I -could- stop every atom in my body. That still would not stop time, even for me. Say I did this for ten years. Would I wake up and be still in 2002? no I''d be in 2012.I would not have aged in appearance, but I did not stop time. I would still have existed those 10 years, I''d be numerically 10 years older. All I did would stop the aging process (and accomplished an incredible scientific achievement). Oh, and I''d be dead as I stayed still and the earth spiraled away from me.

Yes, numerically, you aged. But why didn''t your body age naturally? Because it COULDN''T since it couldn''t move and it couldn''t walk around and such. According to Einsteins special theory of relitivity, (Im paraphrasing) if you dont move time doesn''t move for you! Relitive to others, sure they move in time, but you? Nope.

Einstein''s relativity is about time dilation, not time _travel_. Time speeding up or slowing down in a frame of reference is dilation. Einstein did not accept or believe in discontinuities in time, even though they are now an accepted part of physics.
Einsteins special theory, not general.
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Well, general relativity doesn''t talk about time travel either. It is still the same time dilation/length contraction but with acceleration taken into account and curvature of space-time. The only convincing thing I''ve seen pertinent to time travel lies in the realm of quantum mechanics, where wormholes can appear and lead to possibly other times. But most of the work is still theory. A good book to read about this is Kip Thorne''s Black Holes and Time Warps. I highly recommend it.
I find it impossible. If I place a cup down at 1300h, and move it one foot left at 1305h, where would the possibility of going back to 1303h exist?

Right now, as I am typing, I am moving. I am generating motion. I am taking time to type. Each one of these sentences takes me time to write, just as they take you time to read.

The only way that I can see it possible (backwards time travel), would be to have all of our movements tracked somehow. In order to travel back in time, you would have to recover the position and thought and exact status of every single atom in the universe(or just world?) of the time you are going back to.

I am not educated enough to argue along this topic. rather, I would like to encourage smarter people such as the previous posters to keep posting and enlightening my knowledge. =)

----------[Development Journal]
"Let''s say the current belief is true: that the universe is expanding (from the big bang). Therefore, it is safe to say the we are predominantly moving in one direction (the rotation of the planets, galaxy, and movement of atoms is insignificant). Threfore, distance, for us, is going in one direction. Let''s call it positive. If we could go faster than this speed of expansion in the direction opposite of expansion, we could then achieve our negative direction, threby making us go back in time.

I don''t know how much I''m stretching with this argument, but I think it''s pretty logically sound (coming off the top of my head). If you''ve ever read Stepehn Hawkings, "A Brief History Of Time", it says somewhere in there that when/if the universe were to stop expanding and start contracting, time would begin to go backwards. So, let''s see what you guys can say about that."

Actually, that book is a little bit outdated. It has been detected that the expansion of the universe is actually speeding up, which has confused people because this means the mass of the universe is negative. Since it''s speeding up, and barring a change in universal expansion, it never will slow down and contract.

"Poor people are crazy. I''m eccentric."
------------------------------Omnipotent_Q"Poor people are crazy. I'm eccentric."

If I remember right from highschool, scientists CAN get molucules to absolute zero. But the problem is, that the therometers end up absolute zero as well, and it appears the therometer reads 0.1 degree instead of 0.0 (because it has stopped moving at 0.0 to change its own therometer reading)

Since they can''t prove its 0.0 (absolute zero) they can''t say they have made it 0.0. It''s theortically impossible to get anything to 0.0 (but in reality it does)
This is really interesting topic but few corrections. If something goes faster than light(if it is possible) that doesn''t mean that you will travel in the future. It is almost same as traveling faster than sound. Sound comes after the plane has passed by and if spaceship goes faster than speed of light you can see streched spaceship depending on how much faster than light it travels. The more faster than speed of light it goes the longer would the strech of light be.
Another thing is that you can''t go back in time just moving every atom backwards in your body. You would have to move every forms of materia backwards and that still might not be the same.
And again sorry about it if I don''t use correct terms of these things but I haven''t read too many english science books... =) and please reply because discussing is the best way of learning.
Oh I forgot one thing =). In aspect of games time is cost of action but in real universe we don''t have saving option so we have to use somekind of cheat code =). Science of mankind is still in learning step... How to play the game in our reality... discovering the laws of physics and rules of the game. How to cheat in this game is too hard for us at the moment if it isn''t impossible. Time travelling is cheating =)
How to travel time, lesson 1:

1# Move your mousepointer to the right corner of your windows-taskbar. (where some letters show something like 20:23 or so).

2# Double click it.

3# Ask yourself wether you want to go back or forward in time.

4# Change date by days, months or years in your prefered direction

5# change hours, minutes or seconds also


It''s that easy!

Thrust me, i know what i''m doing
Thrust me, i know what i'm doing

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