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38 comments, last by Andrew Nguyen 22 years, 3 months ago
If time travel back \ forth is possible, what is then present time? Is the moment you are reading this present time?, but if you travel back a few seconds that will be the present time.. understand? also something else, I am very convinced that time is an "arrow" because big bang started time, before it there where not time everytingh (Particles, gasses etc) existed and didnt exist at the same time. (May sound crazy but It is a scientificly acepted idea)

(Some of the above things might have been menitioned before, i dunno)
--If you look to the clouds you cant see traps--
Time didn''t actually start from Big Bang. Matter like protons and electrons etc... have always existed and so has time(like gravity, mass, velocity etc...). Time is also relative to speed, mass grows as speed gets faster but time gets slower... but in real life you can''t detect it. Read some Einstein to know more...
What is time?
Who can tell time has one or unlimited dimensiones?
How can tell wich direction time is heading?
In fact how can anybody prove that this fenomen called time really exist, rather then its just an illusion created in our minds?

What is materia?
Is materia only diffrent types of energies, and that it is only our mind that creates the illusion that things seems to exist?

What is this thing we call the universe all about?
Here is an english translated version of the first chapter
of Lao Tzu´s ''Tao te ching'', trying to explain what the thing called Tao is all about:
The Tao that can be followed is not the eternal Tao.
The name that can be named is not the eternal name.
The nameless is the origin of heaven and earth
While naming is the origin of the myriad things.
Therefore, always desireless, you see the mystery
Ever desiring, you see the manifestations.
These two are the same
When they appear they are named differently.

This sameness is the mystery,
Mystery within mystery;

The door to all marvels.
Time didn''t actually start from Big Bang. Matter like protons and electrons etc... have always existed and so has time(like gravity, mass, velocity etc...). Time is also relative to speed, mass grows as speed gets faster but time gets slower... but in real life you can''t detect it. Read some Einstein to know more...

Well, according to many like Hawkings and, I believe, Einstein, they say that things like gravity, electrons, and protons did start to exist until after the big bang. Before the big bang none of that existed; their were a whole new set of physical laws then that are completely different than the ones that are followed today.

Another post first think in maybe a year inflamable post by Andrew, I am not complaining, just stating the obvious.

if you travel at the speed of light, your mass becomes infinite, so you are at every single place at the same time, if you travel faster than light you arrive before you leave, traveling back in time, since you would stop to exist if you travel at the speed of light, time travel for you or any tardion (any particle moving slower than light) backward in time is impossible. its all in Pickover''s TIME a travelers guide, didnt like the story he tried to tell, but the theory is great, Michio Kaku''s Hyperspace is a great book too, you might want to read those before reinventing physics and quantum physics based only in your conceptions.

let me point out that "forward" and "backward" movement require a direction to be defined as "forward". How do you know we''re not moving backward? well, actually because we decided that the chaos of a system can never decrease as time progresses, and because chaos(entropy) in our universe is increasing, we must be moving forward.

Second, let me point out that it _is_ possible to move faster than light. It''s just not possible to break the light barrier. Tachyons are a theoretical particle that never travel slower than light. It can be proved by Einsteins Theory of Relativity(General or Special? I forget...) that the tachyons are also moving in the opposite direction from us in time.

Thirdly, a wormhole can connect two different spots in time as well as space. To move backward, you''d simply have to go through the wormhole. Incidentally, going through a wormhole also turns out to be impossible, for other reasons.


If I remember right from highschool, scientists CAN get molucules to absolute zero. But the problem is, that the therometers end up absolute zero as well, and it appears the therometer reads 0.1 degree instead of 0.0 (because it has stopped moving at 0.0 to change its own therometer reading)

Since they can''t prove its 0.0 (absolute zero) they can''t say they have made it 0.0. It''s theortically impossible to get anything to 0.0 (but in reality it does)

No, that''s completely wrong. Absolute Zero is NOT OBTAINABLE due to basic thermodynamic laws. It will always be above 0 K, even if by only a millionth of a degree.

I don''t know how much I''m stretching with this argument, but I think it''s pretty logically sound (coming off the top of my head). If you''ve ever read Stepehn Hawkings, "A Brief History Of Time", it says somewhere in there that when/if the universe were to stop expanding and start contracting, time would begin to go backwards. So, let''s see what you guys can say about that."

That''s because, in order for the universe to contract, the entropy levels would have to decrease. Since chaos trends are the arrow of time, of course time would go backwards. Along the same logic path, in order to go backwards in time, you would have to decrease local entropy(possible, temporarily). Obviously, the wider the area in which entropy is reversed, the more "backward in time" it would appear to be. If the whole Earth had reversed entropy for 3 days, it would seem to have gone back in time. Upon examination against star positions, you''d find that the rest of the universe had progressed 6 days forward, so it wouldnt help much.

Direct3D vs. OpenGL
The sad thing about artificial intelligence is that it lacks artifice and therefore intelligence.

Democracy is where you say what you want and do what you''re told.
SlimDX | Ventspace Blog | Twitter | Diverse teams make better games. I am currently hiring capable C++ engine developers in Baltimore, MD.
Well, I haven''t read all the other posts, so this may have come up before, but how''s this for a profound *and* stupid theory (well, ok, just stupid then):

Every state (where one state is a single arrangement of all the atoms, energy etc in the universe) is fixed. How do we know that time doesn''t go backwards quite often. If you think of it as an array of states, where the index is time, then it wouldn''t matter if time went backwards, because the states would revert back as well. Nobody would be able to tell the difference. If time goes backwards a few of seconds, then I won''t notice that I''ve written this stuff before, because the atoms in my brain will be in the state they were when I hadn''t written it.

Hopefully I''ve confused everyone with my incredibly bad explanation now, so I''ll just shutup.

Feel free to dispute my theory, rip it apart, and generally make rude comments about it - I realise that it''s complete rubbish, so I won''t mind.

John B

- There is a theory that if anyone every discovers the nature of the universe, it will immediately be destroyed and replaced by something even more weird. There is another theory that this has already happened.
The best thing about the internet is the way people with no experience or qualifications can pretend to be completely superior to other people who have no experience or qualifications.
quote: Original post by merowe
Well, according to many like Hawkings and, I believe, Einstein, they say that things like gravity, electrons, and protons did start to exist until after the big bang. Before the big bang none of that existed; their were a whole new set of physical laws then that are completely different than the ones that are followed today.

Im not sure, but i think the reason why anything exist is that every thing is following the current physical laws, and it would be impossiple for anything to exist if: the laws weren´t exacly like the the current physical laws (exaclly the nature laws), cause these only nature way is the follow the nature (basic) laws.

Edited by - PopJimmy on March 7, 2002 8:04:00 PM
one question...

what brought this post up...? who cares if time travel is possible or not? if someones gonna put time travel in their game, its called FICTION. most games that have a story have a fictitional story. the ones that dont usually suck..
heres on that will throw you for a loop. lets say your an engineer. Your wife gets killed and you go insane and spend the next 5 years developing time travle. You go back and attempt to save her, yet no matter what you do she dies. In this theory time is resisting the grandfather paradox. If she were to survive then he would not have been driven to build the time machine so logically he could not have gone back to save her. Therefore she dies, so he makes the machine and saves her, so he doesnt make the machine. (you can see where this would get repedative) But to prevent a paradox she would always die no matter what the precausion. So in theory if time travel were possible we could safely visit the past because even if the facts changed a bit the true events would remain the same.

On the same note, if you were to travle to the future you could not come back and tell of it accuratly. In fact the further forward you went the more innacurate you become. You see the future you travel to exists as if you never came home after setting out, because you haven''t. Thereore your ideas, your influence, your children etc. will never be there to change the world and so the future you see is flawed.

As with all time travel related things theories are all we have. But we can enjoy them until we finally prove the reality of it cant we? (by the way, is reality truly real? is it the ONLY reality? sigh, ill kill the man who came up with multiple dimention theory)

The demented ravings of a mad lunatic. -=Astrum=-

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