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Stories and games are my talents; a video game you will like

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38 comments, last by Zido 22 years ago
Munkie, I think you enlighted my story and everyone else, I`m sorry for not giving you the ENTIRE story. The thunder feeled warrior stares at thge moon. I wanted to make each of you wander what happens next, but looks like I got y`all too concerned. Okay let me finish the INTRO!

As the armored warrior looks at the moon, a giant N appears on the moon in a purple glazing light. Cracks start to appear around the N mark. A bluish light shines through the cracks and suddenly out comes a giant orb covered with giant spikes. The orb starts shooting thousands of sparks onto Earth resulting in a number of craters. Rising from the craters are dark figures in sizes big and small. They all group at a spot. They destroy everything in their path as they group up. They all stand in their destination like a big army ready for battle. The orb of spikes come down to the monster and opens up releasing a blinding light. Once it dies down, a well figured lord with a ugly looking mask and horns coming out its head floats down to the center of the monsters and begins to grin. Standing right in front of the lord of monsters is the thunder sword user.

It ends there because I have to think up what happens next. Now I`ll like y`all to try to criticize this.
If you are reading this, then you are too attached to signatures!!
quote: Original post by Zido
It ends there because I have to think up what happens next. Now I`ll like y`all to try to criticize this.

Well... Ok....

I''m reminded of something my english teacher once said, "Show me, don''t tell me." It''s not that your story is bad, just that it feels like a bullet list of events.

1. Weird stormy night.
2. Scientists investigate.
3. Lightning produces Evil Knight.
4. Knight causes evil monsters to fall from the moon to the earth.
5. Monsters group and meet their leader.

If what you''re going for is a rough outline of the story, then it''s fine. But if what you''re going for is supposed to captivate the reader and show off the atmosphere, then you need to step into a viewpoint, and describe it a little more slowly.

Keep writing though, and don''t let any of us get you down.
The person formed from the beam of light is an enemy and a rival of the dark lord who created the monsters. The lord reveals the name of this thunder warrior, Night Terror, a knight of the ancient Knight Kingdom that was a planet that existed 100 years ago. He tells Night Terror how he managed to seal him before he reached Earth during a raging battle. After their conversation, the lord shoots a power ball to the earth. Out from the ground rises a large tower. All of a sudden, all kinds of structures appear. In a little amount of time,a whole kingdom was built right before Night Terror`s eyes. The lord tells Night Terror that he is trying to revive an old friend of his and the only way to do it is to find the Nocturnal Sword that his old friend once had. Night Terror lanches at the lord of monsters, but gets blasted by one of the monsters. The lord uses telekinesis and sends Night Terror to the moon. Night Terror recovers from the abnormal sudden and looks down onto Earth. The lord of monsters` kingdom starts to expand and grows in every new day. Night Terror begins to feel hopeless until a woman appears in a purple dress and tells Night Terror that he has to stop the lord for Night Kingdom. Remembering his loyalty to Night Kingdom, he jumps down to Earth and starts his battle against the lord of monsters.

This story is long, but because y`all want a to see a GOOD story and I want the story to be original, I had to add more things to it.

Please gibve back a reply.
If you are reading this, then you are too attached to signatures!!
Someone plz answer this...If I posted a story like this could someone just steal it? Or do most ppl not give a crap about somebody else''s story?
quote: Original post by Anonymous Poster
Someone plz answer this...If I posted a story like this could someone just steal it? Or do most ppl not give a crap about somebody else''s story?

Most people don''t give a crap about somebody else''s story.

"To understand the horse you'll find that you're going to be working on yourself. The horse will give you the answers and he will question you to see if you are sure or not."
- Ray Hunt, in Think Harmony With Horses
ALU - SHRDLU - WORDNET - CYC - SWALE - AM - CD - J.M. - K.S. | CAA - BCHA - AQHA - APHA - R.H. - T.D. | 395 - SPS - GORDIE - SCMA - R.M. - G.R. - V.C. - C.F.
Is there any money in simply writing a complete RPG? Y''now, like making all the quests, the story, writeups on all the characters, drawing the maps of all the lands, writing all the spells and abilities of the character classes? I mean, could you just ship all that stuff (on paper) to some company and you get paid for it?
"I mean, could you just ship all that stuff (on paper) to some company and you get paid for it?"

Of course! Squaresoft has a great submission policy. That''s
how all the Final Fantasy''s are made. Some random person sends
them a whole story, game rules, abilities, characters, and
concept sheets and they make a game out of it. I''m surprised
you didn''t hear about it.


"da da da"
I don''t know, things like "it was a dark and stormy night" always read kinf of silly on page, but simply opening a movie or a game during a thunderstorm can work just fine, considering it''s done right. Hard to translate a vision.
One of my problems with this (aside from the grammar, and sentence structure): What''s the sense of scale?

The N appears on the moon, then shoots these spikes to the Earth? Unless you''re having these things go at light speed, it will take a while to reach the Earth. And, if they were big enough to be seen prior to their arrival on Earth, well, they''d be big enough to do some serious damage just by entering the atmosphere. Is the hero just standing there, seething at the ''N'' on the moon for hours, waiting for these spikes to happen?

(Perhaps it would make more sense for the N to appear prior to the electrical storm. The storm is caused, somehow, by the interaction of the spikes and the atmosphere; that''s lame, I admit, but if you put the end first, there''s a slight element of mystery before things get completely hectic)

Also, you have this orb appear from the moon -- again, what''s the sense of time here? -- and it comes to a rest in the middle of the grouping of shadowy monsters. The main bad guy appears from that orb, then moves to the monsters? Your description puts the villain within the cluster of monsters from the moment he appears. Why would he need to walk over to them if he''s already there?

That''s fairly technical, I know, but I''m like that.

I realize that what you''re posting isn''t supposed to be the specific telling of the story, just the idea of it. So I won''t criticize the etc/anyway language quirks. I get you''re outlining. What would make me care (or decide whether I think it has promise or not) is why these events are happening. Do you know? I would assume that you yourself don''t know what you''re writing. You should. You mention this war, but why are they attacking Earth? I read the story concept, but it''s unclear.

Also, a planet that was destroyed 100 years ago seems odd. Planets have lives in the order of billions of years. Why trim it down to 100? I should also point out that this sounds like the twist in Final Fantasy: The Spirits within. Remarkably so, in fact. Those of you who haven''t seen that, ignore the next paragraph.

In The Spirits within, there was a war that destroyed an entire planet. The planet was demolished, reduced to a field of asteroids in a powerful explosion. One of the asteroids crashed onto Earth, thousands of years later. On the asteroid were the ghosts of thousands of soldiers (not to mention a litany of animals), which humanity fought for years, never understanding the true nature of their opponents.

This sounds, you might notice, a lot like the end of Zido''s description. Whether that was intentional or not, I don''t know.

Aside from the telling of the story, you should probably concern yourself with finding a decent story (unless, as someone mentioned, you''re making an FPS, in which case people expect the stories to matter little).
Okay, I''m still not getting how this is a *game* as opposed to backstory or a cinematic.

What is the purpose of MY character in the game itself? Am I the hero, with the Unholy Nintendo Sword of Ages? I mean, what''s the goal of my character in this game?

Or is this even a game at all? I''m not trashing, just trying to get at the actual gameplay story.
[font "arial"] Everything you can imagine...is real.

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