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tragedy in games

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46 comments, last by tobymurray 22 years, 1 month ago
So do you think balance of emotion makes a game more enjoyable?
Games aren''t really defined for drama. When people sit down to play a game, they expect some fun, something to take them from the harsh reality. I don''t think people want to cry when they play a game, no? I might be wrong, but that is what I think. If I want a dramatic and moving story, I usually drive over to the movies or sit down with a good book. :-D.

I eat heart attacks
Sorry, you''re in the minority on this one, pal. It''s proven that the more thoughtful gamers DO, in fact, want more drama and that the gaming industry has the capacity to deliver it.

I mean, sure if you want to blow shit up, you can play a videogame, but a lot of people want more than that.

The fascinating thing about videogames is that, if properly developed, they can be true experiences. You get the visuals and sound of a movie and the length, although not necessarily depth, of a book. In that time, if the writer and composer are both talented enough, a deep, engaging emotional experience can be constructed, where the gamer becomes one with what is on screen.

Saying that they "aren''t really designed for drama" isn''t merely an ignorant statement. It''s purely false.

Sure, you can escape reality by wasting hours upon hours playing Duke Nukem or Dead or Alive, but you aren''t truly interacting with the game. Most story based games require the gamer to physically and emotionally interact with the game. I pity all those who cannot appreciate such a thing.
quote: Original post by Lyric
I agree with everybody on FF7. As to the question of how you can develop feelings for game characters... It''s just my personality, I guess. The third time I played FF7, I wanted to go on a date with Yuffie... This involves shunning both Aeris AND Tifa. The first time I ran into Aeris, I just couldn''t do it. Buy a flower? YES! Darn my sensitivity! Oh well...

I thought if you were mean to Aeris AND Tifa you got to go on a date with Barret. I seem to remember my younger brother having to go with Barret.

There are 10 types of people in this world - those who understand binary and those who dont.
quote: Original post by krikkit
I think I would have cried in FF7 when Aris died...if my buddy hadn''t walked in the door the very first day I started playing, and warned me about it.

I did cried, and stayed depressed for a week, no kidding.

You may be underestimating games a bit to assert that they can''t be made to be emotionally moving stories. Remember films started off with some wacky music and a guy with a hitler mustache running around and getting into trouble on the moon with a house that could turn into a parallelogram. It took some time, but there is a great mixture of media so that anybody could find themself the audience of the greatest movie they''ve ever seen, at least from their eyes. Demanding that FPSes never be made again and everything should be dramatic is a pretty farfetched demand, but then so is demanding that everything should be emersive fps with 10 unique weapons. How about a nice blend, some games action heavy, some drama heavy.

Back to the discussion at hand, Aeris''s death didn''t effect me, because I had to watch it several times. Jenova got the best of me twice, the third time somebody tripped the power cable, so I had to go a fourth. By then you become apathetic to the event.

-> Will Bubel
-> Machine wash cold, tumble dry.
william bubel
Mate, I''m not calling for an end to fps''s. I love em - I''ve never played a final fantasy before so can''t comment on the discussion.
I''m asking: will drama in gamese (and particularly the non drama heavy genre of fps''s and 3rdpersonshooters) be the next dimension once we''ve got fairly realistic realtime graphics.

I''d like to see a fps with a real good story and real good charactaers, with scenes that are actually playable (kinda like Deus Ex but much better) where you FEEL what the character you are playing FEELS, not just see what they see. (of course you then actually have to make them feel something), The biggest tragedy with a game like medal of honour (while haveing some oft he best graphics going round ) is you don''t care when your world war buddies get wasted, however to create a realistic war environment it should bloody break your heart. that would make this particular game soo much more enjoyable and more like a movie - especially since spielberg was involved in its production I''m suprised it has zero emotion in it.

Gobsmacked - by Toby Murray
Have you played Perfect Dark on the N64? Not much of a tragedy, but you can really get into the story. Its not too complex, just the right mix of conspiracy, and has some nice diversions when you don''t feel like story at the moment, but still want to shoot stuff. Plus, that really being in the roll thing, there are a few areas where you have to baby sit another character, and they offer some words occasionally, which in some of those scenes works nicely.

-> Will Bubel
-> Machine wash cold, tumble dry.
william bubel
The biggest tragedy with a game like medal of honour (while haveing some oft he best graphics going round ) is you don''t care when your world war buddies get wasted, however to create a realistic war environment it should bloody break your heart.

No kidding. I think they made a mistake by not having SoF style gore in it. It just made it feel so unrealistic, and more like a doom style shooter than it could have been. Dont get me wrong. I thought it was great. I guess that decision was made mostly by marketing...

Speaking of SoF. I think the gore was more than a gimick on that too. I remember on Rouge Spear, I was pissed when I shot hostages because i would have to start over...thats it. On sof I wasnt a big deal gameplay-wise if you shot a hostage but none the less, when I remember muttering "Oh, shit!" on many occasions. I evel recall shouting a "Im sorry!" once, when a hostage lost his leg to my shotgun.

That isnt really trajedy, but it adds more feeling. I think politicians should actually like graphics violence, because it would teach the young kids (that shouldnt be playing some of those games anyway=)) that hurting people has side effects. They dont just fall down. I would like to see more games that dont treat (simulated) people as just objects that you shoot at until they fall down.

The really only difficulty I see with having a good story in a t/fps is the implementation. How do you tell it without depending on cut-scenes. Deus Ex used conversations and other news articles. The conversations were rarely interactive, which was the only part of that game I didnt like. Scripted secuences are cool, but arent exactley interactive.

What I would like is a level editor that has a very powerful scripting tool. Possibly a simple language.

But i guess it doesnt matter, considering games can''t express any ideas... ;-)



Suikoden 2 damnit!
There where many a times my eyes watered.

Final Fantasy 6, opera scene (it was stunning at the time).
Final Fantasy 6, when Celes commits suicide (or so I thought).

Got angery with:

Final Fantasy 6, Kefka! DAMN THAT BASTARD TO HELL! He was a villian that made you hate his damn guts!

hum... Seceret of Mana when the Sprite died at the end. That was pretty F*&%ed up.

That''s all I care to share, but there are more heh



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