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Write your own chunk...

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96 comments, last by superpig 22 years, 2 months ago
whipped out my cheese club. I knocked my waitress to the floor, ripped the entire cash register assembly out of the counter, and proceed to walk out of the door, right in front of God, the stunned guests, and the security camera.
"Maybe I won''t be back with my lawyer," I yelled, "But I''ll get served one way or another!"
Then I took a bite out of the cheese club and headed down the street to the

//email me.//zealouselixir software.//msdn.//n00biez.//
miscellaneous links

[if you have a link proposal, email me.]


public library. Munching the delicious cheese club, I perused the stacks of young adult literature. Past the hardy boys, past R.L. Stein's latest bit of cookie cutter kiddy-horror, straight to one book I only ever loved: Encyclopedia Brown and the Case of the Creaky Bedsprings. Flipping open the cover, I was shocked and dismayed - someone had cut a rectangular hole straight through all the pages, creating a sort of hidden compartment!
Getting over my frustration at being unable to once again enjoy Encyclopedia's antics, I noticed a glint at the bottom of the hole. I reached my chubby fingers in, and grasped, pullng out a

[edited by - krikkit on April 22, 2002 10:06:44 PM]
frickin'' lazer! It was so cute! I yanked it out and flipped the switch. Stupid. Fortunately, I was aiming it away from myself at the time. Unfortunately, the circulation desk and several book shelves were now splinters of wood and metal.

"Oops, I said, "


but it was really strange. No one NOTICED! I was starting to get the creeps. Was this yet another hallucination. I went over to the computers, and decided to check my mail, and surf a bit. After having received nothing but the porn subscriptions I signed up for, I looked at the GameDev.Net forums. There within on a Game Writing forum, was the description of his life. He wondered: Is this like that movie Delerious, where I can write something, and it''ll come true? So he wrote,
I was suddenly thin. Women instantly fall in love with me, I know everything. I have 10000000000000000 dollars that I can do with whatever I want. I have psychic powers, and I will never die.
Suddenly lightning struck the computer. All the lovely ladies ran screaming from my bulging, pimply, disgusting figure; I was once again poor as a mofo, and I''m actually gonna die.

Thinking, "Man, life sucks sometimes," I got up and walked back to my apartment, totally dazzled at the number of dreams within dreams, hallucinations, and totally weird experiences I''d had that day.

Jogging (or rather, hulking) up the stairs, I heard an argument on the floor above. I pressed my ear to the door and heard,


Heh, nice, I was gonna do it if you weren''t Zeal! =D
what sounded like Jahrea, arguing with some man about payment.
I tried to be as quiet as I could be, and put my ear to the door.
"Look, you got what you wanted, don rip me off Cleeve."
"You didn''t get the CODE! That was half of the bargain."
"Yeah, but he''s not going to do anything else, that Glyethyl Methamide Chloroxide I''m sure has set him for a loop."
"Okay, here''s what you need to do..."
a group of elderly women raving on about the colour of the wood that the stairs were made out of. I thought to myself, are they really that frikkin pathetic that they care about that? Goddamn, I hope I never get that...

"When I have a problem on an Nvidia, I assume that it is my fault. With anyone else''s drivers, I assume it is their fault" - John Carmack
-----------------------"When I have a problem on an Nvidia, I assume that it is my fault. With anyone else's drivers, I assume it is their fault" - John Carmack
I considered the discussion pointless. So i went downstairs, took out a beer, started to think again. Mabye Im not real... Mabye the matrix really does exist! Mabye I am the one! I believed the one and started to wall run! But at the exact time my foot hit the wall, the bricks went flying. I guess I shouldnt of gotten such a high momentum. I decided to prove my Neo skills by jumping accross apartment buildings. I went up to the roof, ran straight at the edge, jumped ......e

CFO Wretched Penguin Entertainment

.... and in my momentary lapse of realizing where I was, I found myself jumping off my bed across the bedroom. And let me tell you something about that, my friend. It is not often that you hit a light fixture with your forehead. And had it not been for the sock hanging there, the shattered glass would have done more damage than it did, and I would have surely died. A very poor way to be remembered. But, fate smiled upon me that day, and I got away with no more than a slight abrasion on my skin, from the sweat on the sock that had dried to a hard crust. I deftly landed on one knee, noticing my cockeyed expression in my mirror...
It's not what you're taught, it's what you learn.

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